3 Stop Smoking Choices

Submitted by: Todd Burgess

Smoking by far is one of the most difficult habits to quit. Just ask any smoker and they will tell you this is true. First of all, it is important to remember that not everyone can quit smoking the first time they try in fact most people take at least three or more attempts before they can kick the habit. Some even more!

While some people can quit cold turkey without much trouble this is not normal, in fact what I have found to be true is that if someone can go cold turkey that easily then they were likely not as addicted to smoking is they might’ve thought. Most true addictions require some sort of help to quit.

I have tried many different ways to quit during my time smoking I’m going to list three of them here and give you my review on each one.

The nicotine Patch

The patch was and still is a three-step program, and it could’ve changed since I last attempted it. But my understanding is that it has not changed.

Step one was three weeks on a 21 mg patch, step two was three weeks on the 14 mg patch, and step three was three weeks on a 7 mg patch. The object here is to wean you slowly off of nicotine instead of trying to do it all at once you take gradual steps toward complete and total nicotine depletion.


My take on the patch is although it has worked for many people it did not work for me. it still is putting nicotine into your bloodstream, and by far the better choice than the 400+ toxins and poisons of a cigarette, but still ,nonetheless, nicotine is still being pumped into your bloodstream.

I guess a gradual depletion of nicotine for some is a whole lot easier than a complete and total cold turkey approach, and if you feel that you can handle a gradual depletion then I recommend the nicotine patch.

Dr. prescribed medication

When the Zyban pill first came out, or Wellbutrin, whichever it’s called it worked wonders for me. As a matter of fact it was so easy to quit there was really no effort involved and I went eight months without touching a cigarette and I remember thinking why didn’t I do this before? It was so easy!

That of course was the downfall I relapsed into smoking while on a vacation with many friends who are smoking and drinking around me, and I remember thinking, I’m in control, I quit this before, I can handle smoking while I’m drinking with my friends and then put them away after the vacation.

Boy was I wrong by the end of the trip I was a full-blown smoker again and it took me seven years to make the attempt to quit again.

And the Little magic pill that worked so well the first time had absolutely zero effect. If you would like to try the Zyban or Wellbutrin , and now there is Zeronic, Chantix and who knows what next, then see your doctor and get his recommendations and or prescription.

Nicotine Gum

Nicotine gum is exactly as the word denotes “nicotine” in gum, and anytime you have the urge for a cigarette you simply put a stick of gum in your mouth Chew the gum and swallow the horrible tasting nicotine, to allow it to get into your bloodstream.

However I am sure, and I have not checked, but I do believe there are flavors now that help curb the horrible taste of the nicotine. This is simply the patch in your mouth, and again it will curb the desire for a cigarette by putting nicotine in your bloodstream to alleviate the discomfort from your lack of nicotine.

I am not going to say that these tactics will not work they just simply did not work for me, and I believe that cigarette smoking is much more than just an addiction to nicotine. I can remember when I quit, and the cravings finally dissipated there were other things that I had to deal with that I did think even mattered.

The hand to the mouth, after a good meal, getting in my car and driving and a whole host of other things. All in all I am just saying that in many cases it is more then the withdraw of nicotine cravings or the physical addiction to nicotine for you.

Only you can decide that and only can choose what is best for you.

If you feel that taking gradual steps toward nicotine depletion is your answer then by all means try any one of these three that I have discussed

There are many programs on this website that do not use any of these three techniques and have helped thousands and countless others quit smoking or kick their habit.

If you truly desire to quit then seek and ye shall find.

About the Author: I have devoted a website to all who wish to quit smoking that offers every program that I can find to assist you in your quest to kick that habit. And I promise to keep the site populated with tools, tips and free stuff as well, to give you the freedom of choice that is right for you. There will be everything on this site that I can possibly find, (except doctor prescribed drugs) so that you can end the grip that those filthy cigarettes have on you and experience the freedom that comes with being a non smoker again. Al of the programs are proven effective and guaranteed to work so you have nothing to lose. Except of course that habit called “Smoking”

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