All About Your Teeth

By Patrick Boswell

Baby’s first tooth is usually a momentous event for parents, but ask any adult if they remember getting their first tooth and the answer will be no. But ask most people if they remember losing their first tooth – or any tooth after – and the answer will probably be yes! We have memories of wiggling the tooth over and over in hopes of it finally popping out, or sucking it in and out to make it wiggle funny while grossing out our big sister or our mom. When it finally did come out, we’d spend hours using our tongue to explore the now-empty spot where our tooth was, and sometimes feel the first evidence of a new tooth. Many elementary teachers are privy to the excitement of a youngster showing off his or her ‘lost’ tooth before it’s sometimes turned over to the Tooth Fairy. Teeth are interesting things, especially when their new to you as a child!

Going to the dentist can be an interesting visit as well. With the latest technology, dentist offices have a variety of neat gadgets and gizmo’s to help clean, maintain and repair your teeth. Xray machines can take a single picture of a single tooth or do panoramic pictures of your entire mouth. And, with a click of a button, these pictures are available on a computer monitor for your dentist to review and share with you, the patient! Dentists can clean your teeth with a variety of tools to remove plaque and tartar buildup, they can repair a cracked or broken tooth or replace a crown or cap, they can even replace a missing tooth using an implant. Today’s dentists also can provide a picture-perfect bright, white smile using porcelain veneers or powerful tooth whitening techniques.

Regardless of the reason for your visit to the dentist, you’re sure to see them make use of their tools and machinery and wonder what each one is for. Sometimes your dentist will explain what he or she is doing before they get to work, other times those of us curious enough to ask will mumble through a prepped-for-exam mouth what exactly is that for?!


Sometimes your dentist will talk to you or their dental assistant about parts of your teeth. If you’ve ever wondered what they are talking about, here’s little bit of basic information about the basic anatomy of your teeth!

Teeth are made up of two main parts: the crown (the top) of the tooth and the roots (inside of the tooth). The outer layer of your tooth is made up of enamel. Enamel has no nerve endings or feeling! The next layer of your tooth is called dentine. Dentine is a hard substance that protects the nerves inside of your teeth. The pulp, the inside material, of your teeth is made up of nerves and blood vessels. The roots hold your tooth in place deep within your jaw bones.

Even the most minor damage to a tooth can lead to serious problems if not taken care of right away. A chipped or broken tooth needs to be examined by your dentist right away even if you aren’t in any sort of pain. Your teeth are precious and important for your overall health! Consider this when performing a daily oral health regimen: brush thoroughly at least twice a day, floss every day and see your dentist for routine check ups to keep your teeth at their healthy best!

About the Author: A leading dental practice in North Carolina practicing Sedation Dental Care that is committed to offering high quality dental services and exceptional patient care. Led by a great Sedation Dentist in NC that offers a wide variety of dental treatments, including expertise in oral sedation.


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