Using A Worker’s Compensation Attorney And Understanding Your Benefits

byAlma Abell

So, you’re a worker at a warehouse and you end up injuring your back while lifting a heavy box. This back injury will require you to visit a medical dmonths. Who’s going to pay for your medical bills? What about your lost wages? Thankfully, these things will all be covered under your employer’s worker’s compensation insurance.

What kinds of benefits can you expect from this type of insurance?

For starters, medical care is covered under the policy. Although some injuries are very minor, others can be very extensive and painful. Major injuries can call for a number of doctors visits and even months of rehabilitation. This amount of care doesn’t come cheap, and typically results in hefty medical bills. Luckily, a Worker’s Compensation Attorney can help get your medical bills covered completely, this way you won’t have to worry about paying a cent.

Certain benefits last for certain times. For instance, if you’re unable to work for a short period of time, you’ll likely receive temporary disability benefits. These benefits will work to cover your lost wages while you attempt to recover away from work. Often times major injuries can leave a worker disabled indefinitely. In this case, a worker will receive permanent disability benefits for an indefinite amount of time.

What should you do in the event you’re injured on the job?

As soon as you’re injured you need to inform your employer. Often times workers will downplay the fact that they’ve been injured, and will continue to work through their injuries. Waiting too long to inform your employer could hinder your chances of receiving your benefits. The sooner you report your injuries, the easier it’ll be to connect those injuries to your work. In the event your report is ignored call a Worker’s Compensation Attorney.

These are just a few of the things you should know about worker’s compensation insurance. Again, this insurance covers medical expenses and lost wages for as long as you need it. Don’t forget to inform your employer about your injuries as soon as they happen. If you’re unsure whether your employer has worker’s compensation insurance, you can simply ask them. Call William D. McGillicuddy Law Office PC for further assistance.

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Cape Town, South Africa