Corporate Housing Versus Other Accommodations: A Comparison

Submitted by: Samuel Davidson

Although few people are aware they can reserve a corporate apartment while traveling, the option is becoming increasingly popular. Up until a few years ago, most people assumed fully furnished living areas were the domain of companies that needed to send employees on temporary assignments. That was the case a long time ago. The market has since changed, and many housing providers have opened their properties to all consumers who need a temporary home.

Given that you can lease a furnished condo, apartment, or townhome, is there a compelling reason to do so? How does this option compare with staying at a hotel or with friends? We’ll explore this issue below. We’ll compare corporate housing with other accommodations to demonstrate why more people are considering this option when traveling away from home.

Differences Between A Hotel And A Corporate Apartment

Recall your last experience staying in a hotel room. The room itself was likely small, affording little space to move around and relax. Although a bed, couch (possibly), and bathroom/shower were included, there was probably little else worth noting. Most hotel rooms are designed to accommodate those who need a place to sleep and shower. They are seldom built with comfort as a priority (despite the advertising).

Sleeping at the hotel may have been a challenge. Other guests at the facility might have been arriving and leaving throughout the night, making noise while doing so. Additionally, the walls separating the rooms may have been thin enough for you to hear your neighbors.


Now, consider the experience of staying in a fully furnished corporate apartment. First, you’ll have much much space, often more than twice that offered by a typical hotel room. That means you and your companions (or family) will be able to relax.

Second, your living quarters will come with a fully outfitted kitchen, complete with an oven, stove, microwave, and large refrigerator. Moreover, you’ll have all of the tools you need to cook indoors, sparing you from having to visit restaurants whenever you’re hungry.

Third, the communities in which corporate housing is located are usually very quiet. Other tenants, some with young families, are residents of the neighborhood. People tend to keep normal hours, which should make sleeping during evenings easier.

Fourth, when you lease temporary housing, you’ll be immersed in the community. You’ll experience what residents experience. In many ways, it’s akin to being at home. When you stay at a hotel, much of this experience is lost. Hotels are usually insulated from the bustle of “normal” life.

Should You Stay With Friends While Traveling?

Another option is to ask friends whether they will allow you to stay in their homes while you’re on the road. This option offers distinct benefits. First, you’ll avoid the high cost of a hotel room since your friends will probably allow you to stay for free. Second, their companionship is also a benefit. Being around friends while traveling away from home alleviates much of the stress that accompanies being in a new, unfamiliar place.

But there are also noteworthy drawbacks to staying with friends. First, you might get in their way (or vice versa) while using the kitchen, bathroom, and living areas. Second, if you plan to stay longer than a few days – for example, more than a month – you risk becoming an annoyance. This can strain even the strongest friendships.

If you prefer to avoid becoming a burden to your friends, your choices for accommodations are to stay in a hotel room or a furnished apartment or condo. Most people mistakenly assume the former is less expensive.

Does Corporate Housing Cost More Than A Hotel?

Although a hotel room is smaller, more cramped, and provides far fewer amenities than a corporate apartment, it is usually more costly to stay there. The actual daily rate may be the same, but the taxes and surcharges levied by a hotel can add hundreds of dollars to the final bill.

Most people are surprised to learn that leasing a temporary home that offers more space, more amenities, and a more rewarding experience is less expensive. This is one of the top reasons corporate housing is steadily becoming more popular among travelers.

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