4 Types Of Bike Lights Worth Investing In

4 Types of Bike Lights Worth Investing In


Blackburn Design

Did you know that more than half of all fatal bicycle accidents occur after six in the evening? Or that car and other heavy vehicles may easily miss a simple bike on the road when it is dark or foggy? Yes, unfortunately this is the bitter truth. However, this may be avoided in most cases simply by using

bicycle headlight

and taillights.

Even if the streets you ride on at night are well lit, you need lights so that others can see you. Additionally, with lights you\’re more likely to avoid a potential mishap, whether with a pedestrian, another cyclist or a car.

However, simply buying a cheap light and installing on your bike may not suffice; you need to know your exact application and use, while purchasing these. The kind of


bicycle tail light

or headlight you buy depends on what kind of riding you do at night, and, of course, your budget. Listed below are a few of the lights that may help you in seeing better and avoid mishaps, while being affordable.

Blinking lights

These lights are excellent when it comes to going on the main road. It offers excellent visibility to other roadway users, and the batteries last forever. However, they may not provide good visibility for you as a rider; it is only for others to notice you on the road. These are convenient as they are waterproof and easy to install on your bike or, body.

Low-Wattage battery lights

Clip these

rechargeable bike lights

on your handle bars or rear end of the bike and you may find them very useful. Ranging from 12 to 40 dollars, these are a quick fix for illuminating the road, as the battery lasts only for a few hours. Get the one with halogen bulbs as it produces more light from the same amount of precious battery current.

Generator lights

These are eco friendly and lights that work on the long run as they have no batteries they work on juice form the bike wheels. These usually include halogen lights that are just right to illuminate your road as well as the bike.

High-wattage battery lights

These are the best lights for your bike that have two bulbs which together are as bright as a single car headlight. They use heavy-duty rechargeable battery packs, and will give four or more hours of light.

As a biker these lights are a must-have to keep you as well as other objects and vehicles on the road safe.

Blackburn Design is one of the leading providers of Bike Accessories, offering one of the best lighting solutions for your bike. Blackburn Design s lights are both battery operated and rechargeable

bike lights

. We also provide locks, tools, cages and many such bike accessories to make your ride safe and comfortable.

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Cape Town, South Africa