Why Choose Hard Drive Disposal In Oklahoma City?

byAlma Abell

Most businesses don’t use professional shredding services to dispose of old hard drives. This can be a big mistake as hard drives contain a lot of confidential information. Hard Drive Disposal in Oklahoma City ensures that all data on the old hard drive is completely destroyed.

If you are still using old technology to get rid of your hard drives then you are seriously compromising the privacy and security of your business. If you think that formatting, reformatting, erasing or wiping the old hard drives is enough to wipe out all data then you are completely wrong. As long as the hard drives are physically intact, data can be retrieved by hackers and other professionals.

Destroy a Hard Drive

Specialised destruction machines such as shearers or hydraulic crushers are used to destroy the hard drive. This ensures that no information can ever be retrieved from it. Only a total physical destruction of the hard drive will ensure that the digital data is completely destroyed.

  • Shearing – Destructive force is used to slice the hard drive into small pieces. The process destroys the drive and all its mechanisms. When the electronic components are destroyed, you will not be able to recover any kind of data from it.

  • Hydraulic Crushing – An irreplaceable hole is punched through each hard drive. The crushing force destroys the drive platters completely. It rips the magnetic surface to bits and this makes the data irrecoverable.

Proof of Destruction

After the hard drive is permanently destroyed you will get a certificate of destruction. This is proof that the hard drive has been destroyed beyond any kind of repair. This means that the information is no longer at risk and your business is compliant with the relevant privacy laws.

A secure media destruction service is the only way to ensure that old hard drives are thoroughly destroyed. This is also the only way to ensure that the information is safe and secure in all types of formats.

If you want the disposal of hard drives to be effective you need to destroy them physically. This ensures that the confidential information stays out of wrong hands.

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