Signs That It’s Time For New Auto Shop Management Software

By Lawrence Wible

Auto shop management software is important for any auto repair shop or tire store.

This is the software that tracks inventory, places work orders and even emails customers. Without good auto shop management software, you’re going to be spinning your wheels with paper invoices or a lot of disorganized computer files.

That’s why most auto repair shops use some sort of management software. It streamlines business operations and it increases productivity. This saves you time and money in the long run.

Unfortunately like everything else, auto repair shop software gets old and needs to be updated or replaced. Here are some signs that you need to update or replace your auto shop software.

Sign 1: You Get A New Computer

It’s not uncommon for older auto repair shop software not to work once you get a computer with a new operating system.


This happens because the software is not compatible with the new operating system. For instance, software that worked on Windows XP may not necessarily work the same way on Windows 7.

If this happens to you, you may need to get new auto repair shop software. In some cases, the company that designed it may be able provide an update. It all depends.

Sign 2: It’s Taking A Long Time

If it’s getting easier to place a repair order by writing it down than typing it in a computer, it may be time for new auto shop management software.

Some of the new software has features that allow you to scan vehicle identification numbers to place a repair order. To do this, you use a remote computer scanner.

The whole point of this type of software is to improve business efficiency. If your software at your auto shop is not doing this, it may be time to upgrade or buy some new software from a different developer.

Sign 3: You Can’t Improve Customer Relationships

As noted earlier, auto shop management software is meant to streamline business operations. Placing work orders faster and ordering parts faster means a happy customer.

If your software is failing at this, it means it’s time for some new repair shop software. Also if your software doesn’t have the ability to email service reminders and maintenance recommendations, you’ll probably want to look for an upgrade.

This helps to build a stronger relationship with your customer, so they will become a repeat customer.


If your auto shop or even your tire repair shop is experiencing any of these three signs, you should considering getting new software.

We know shopping for software is a tough decision process. That is why it is important to do plenty of research before purchasing any software. Take some time to shop around and see the different offerings from each developer.

Get customer testimonials about the tire shops management software or the repair shop software. This will help you to make the right decision for your business. Getting new software can increase efficiency and streamline business operations at your shop.

About the Author: FastTrak Auto Management Systems produces

tire shops management software


repair shop software

for businesses of all sizes.


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