Having High Standards In Your Choice Of A Plastic Surgeon

Having High Standards in Your Choice of a Plastic Surgeon


Abigail Aaronson

You want to have a tummy tuck or a facelift and you want it done by the best. You are looking for the perfect plastic surgeon for the job. Uh, oh, there is no such thing as the perfect surgeon! But before you get too upset, there are many excellent doctors out there who would perform the operation to the highest standards of their profession.

Having high standards is good, but having impossible standards will only leave you disappointed and feeling lost. No one is perfect, and expecting a professional who will be is unrealistic and sets you up for failure.

You must be realistic about the plastic surgeon you decide to team up with for your procedure. You want a doctor who is supportive and one who will listen to you.


There are plenty of emotions tied up in having a cosmetic surgery procedure, such as breast augmentation for example, that you want to work with a physician who will be able to listen to you and will have answers to the questions that you put to him. However, you must remember that the doctor who will be operating on your body is not your friend or your therapist, but a specialist in his field of medicine.

It is realistic to expect that the plastic surgeon you choose will have good bedside manners. Keep in mind though, that when it comes to emotional support for a cosmetic procedure, the doctor can do what he can during your short appointments but turning to your personal support system for help is one of the best ways to relax and feel better about the operation that you will be having (or have already had).

You will have pre-operative and post-operative visits to the office that will not make it necessary for you to see the plastic doctor every time. Instead other members of the staff, including the nurses that are employed there, will treat you. The highly skilled employees who work for the plastic surgeon are very capable of taking care of your needs as they relate to your health and well-being.

It is important that you feel that you get everything out of or every appointment that you have with the cosmetic doctor. Be positive and make good use of the time that you have when you sit facing him. The most important thing of all is that you have a good plastic surgeon and that the end result of your operation is what you were wishing for.

Do not get discouraged if you must spend longer waiting in the waiting room to see the doctor than you would like to. As well, the doctor may not be as enthusiastic about the procedure as you are because this is what he does every day. Do not let that dampen your spirits. A year from now none of that will make any difference because you will be left with a result that you can be happy about.

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