Cabbage Soup Diet How Does It Help In Seven Day Weight Loss Plan?

By Pratim D

Cabbage soup diet is becoming very popular and it the easiest way out if you want to lose weight quickly. It is a seven day meal plan and in theses seven days you will have to stick to a diet of cabbage soup and some limited fruits and vegetables. You need to drink plenty of water although. This diet plan does not starve you.

Have you heard of the cabbage soup diet? It is a FAD diet that has gained immense popularity of late and has found thousands of takers. This diet will enable you lose quite a few pounds. You may be wondering every diet does that – what’s the big difference? Well the difference is this diet allows you to lose weight without having to give up on food. You can eat as well as lose weight. Perplexed? Actually this diet is a 7 day meal plan based on cabbage soup that has negligible calories. The cabbage soup is a fat-burning soup. This diet entails a radical weight loss program based on heavy consumption of low calorie cabbage soup.

So now you must be interested in knowing about how the cabbage soup diet 7 day planner looks like. On the 1st day you can have cabbage soup and all kinds of fruits excluding bananas and it may be quantity you wish to. On the 2nd day you will have cabbage soup with all kind of vegetables and it must include a jacket potato with some butter. On the 3rd day you will have cabbage soup along with vegetables and fruits but have to stay away from banana and potatoes. For the 4th day you will have cabbage soup with eight bananas and as much as skimmed milk as you can. Your chart for the 5th day will include cabbage soup and 20 ounces of beef with a maximum of 6 tomatoes. The 6th day meal will consist of cabbage soup with as much beef and vegetables you want but you can’t have potatoes. On the last day of the meal plan you will have cabbage soup with brown rice and vegetables except potatoes with unsweetened fruit juice.


What are the food stuffs you can have during the cabbage soup diet? You can have water and cabbage soup with only a few other food. It allows a small list of food on every alternate day but having two bowls of cabbage soup is a must. You can also have vegetables, fruits, skimmed milk and beef. However there is a long list of things you have to restrain from. You can’t touch bread, alcohol, beverages and soda. Not even diet soda is allowed. The only beverage that is allowed is water and fruit juice without any sweetener.

How effective is the cabbage soup diet? You will definitely lose weight as you will be having cabbage soup that burns fat. You can have as much cabbage soup as you want on any of these days. This might sound really appealing and tempting. This diet is ideal for heart patients who are overweight. It allows them to lose weight quickly and lowers the risk of cardiac arrest.

The cabbage soup diet has a few additional benefits also. It changes the diet from the fast food and junks to a healthy one. This undoubtedly is good. Also cabbage is very effective in preventing diseases like cancer. However there are a few things you need to keep in mind when it comes to this diet. Children and adolescents should not try this diet plan and if you try this diet for a week take a break of at least a couple of weeks before you try it again.

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