Category: Cosmetic And Reconstructive Surgery

Cosmetic And Reconstructive Surgery

So Many Reasons To Choose All Natural Skin Care Products

So Many Reasons To Choose All Natural Skin Care Products

Submitted by: Valerie Rosenbaum

All natural skin care products are great. They contain no synthetic chemicals or artificial fragrances, preservatives and dyes.

If your skin is particularly sensitive, there are some naturally occurring compounds that could cause you problems. Actually, they are not naturally occurring in the strictest sense. They are concentrated plant fragrances.

They must be run through a distillation device in order to create the concentrated scent. They have been around for thousands of years. They are referred to as essential oils, because they are said to convey the essence of the plant.

Essential oils may have numerous benefits in aromatherapy, but when applied directly to the skin s surface, they can cause allergic reactions. Some, such as orange oil, are prone to cause redness, itching and even dermatitis.

Orange oil is commonly recommended as one of the all natural skin care products for cleansing. It s great for cleaning kitchen counters and greasy stoves. But, it is really a little too harsh for use on the skin.

Anything that strips the skin s oils can lead to premature aging by causing excessive dryness. Excessive dryness is one of the causes of wrinkles and sagging.

We strip enough oil away just by showering every day according to researchers in Maryland. The chemicals found in regular tap water are very drying. Chlorine, chloramines and bromine are a few examples.

Chlorine and bromine are naturally occurring compounds. But, you wouldn t want to use a skincare product that contained them. This is another example of why we need to know more about a product than the labeling and advertising claims reveal.

Only the label of ingredients is an accurate source of information. But, most people find it difficult to read them.

The ingredients in all natural skin care products when written according to the international nomenclature for cosmetic ingredients look like chemicals or are written in a foreign language. For example, Butyrospermum Parkii is what most of us call Shea butter.

Shea butter is pressed from the nut of the Shea tree. Sometimes referred to as the Tree of Life , the butter is known to have numerous medicinal benefits.

The natural anti-inflammatory activity is good for acne, eczema and psoriasis. It is an effective moisturizer that firms and rejuvenates when applied on a regular basis.

Shea butter is found in many all natural skin care products, but not all companies use the highest grades. It should be cold-pressed, rather than extracted through the use of chemical solvents. Most companies add a fragrance too Shea butter, instead of allowing the naturally occurring fragrance to come through.

The better anti-aging night creams contain the ingredient, because after just a few weeks of use, it improves the skin s smoothness and makes it look more youthful. The best anti-aging night creams combine Shea butter with avocado extract in order to stimulate the production of collagen, one of the proteins responsible for the skin s strength and firmness.

So, you see there is quite a difference among all natural skin care products. It still takes a little research to be sure you are choosing the best ones.

About the Author: Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years searching for the best

natural skin care

products. The products she discovered use a proprietary blend of natural ingredients like

Extrapone Nutgrass

root to even out skin pigmentation. To learn more visit her

anti wrinkle creams



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How To Treat Acne In Males And Acne In Females?

How To Treat Acne In Males And Acne In Females?

Acne is considered to be a problem of the adolescence. It affects teenagers mostly because it is primarily caused by hormonal imbalance, which occurs during the growing up years. However, this does not mean that the grown ups are immune to the problem. Men and women of all ages are susceptible to the problem. The basic fact is that it can catch up with amazing swiftness to even those who reach the age of 40, or more.

Acne In Men

Among men, there are a number of factors that can cause acne. Excessive secretion of oil and clogged pores are the basic cause of acne. Those who have oily skin are prone to the problem. So, if you have oily skin and your job demands you to stay in dusty environment, the likelihood of your developing acne problem is heightened manifold irrespective of age.


A substandard shaving cream may also cause acne. The same goes for after shave lotions. So, you need to take care of a few things. Use a fresh, good quality blade every time you shave, and use a good shaving cream.

Another cause of acne is stress. The hectic lives we lead today bring stress as a byproduct. This could be a reason for your acne. This does not mean that stress necessarily causes acne. Whether or not the stress would cause acne depends upon whether or not your skin is prone to acne. You have to be extra careful if you have been a teenager with the extended period of acne problem or you suffered from severe acne during your growing up years.

Acne In Women

So far as women are concerned, they are prone to acne at all those stages where they undergo hormonal changes. Acne, therefore, is likely to breakout during pregnancy and around the time of menopause because during these stages hormonal levels fluctuate.

Therefore, it is prudent that the women who are prone to acne prepare themselves beforehand by arming themselves with information and medical advice before the pregnancy and menopause.

Acne, therefore, is not simply a teenagers problem. It might affect the elders too. Thus, it is important that you are prepared and not taken by surprise when acne breaks out.

What Are The Benefits Of Acne No More

What Are The Benefits Of Acne No More

Are you suffering from acne scars? Getting rid of acne is very challenging and it’s hard to look for proper treatments. Frequently people wonder if there truly are any acne natural treatment ideas that can aid to relieve acne scars. If you have heard Acne No More written by Mike Walden, you will discover a comprehensive, holistic approach to getting rid of acne. This system will allow you to be free from acne forever. You will learn a natural ways that will teach you everything you need to know so that you can control your skin health without resorting to harsh chemicals or treatments.According to the author Mike Walden the pimples caused by hormonal abnormalities and cause this acne to breakout in the skin. The inflammation caused by acne can typically leave wounds in the skin. And because of this the eBook will show you on how to treat the acne permanently through using holistic treatment which allows the natural elimination of internal organisms that block the body’s systems. Through using the approach in the eBook you will learn how to treat the main cause of the acne.Each step to be taken in the program is covered in great detail, you will learn how to neutralize external elements that cause acne breakouts thus you will have clearer, healthy and glowing skin. Reading the eBook from cover to cover you will learn important details on how you can maintain your skin from acne appearance by following its effective treatment plan.Prevention is still better for you to stop the reoccurring of acne scars.This program contains so much important stuff. Like in-depth study of acne prevention, effective treatment system that doesn’t involve trial and error and lastly natural pimple treatment without using any expensive medicines and unsafe chemical creams.Everyone suffering from acne problems can surely get rid it once you use this powerful treatment for acne scars. No other program can give you this much.If you are really serious to get the flawless skin and prevent it from scarring and kin dryness then you really need this treatment program. Get all the dozens of secrets on how to permanently stop acne and maintain glowing skin.People who have suffered from acne for many years beyond their adolescent life believed that they will never be free of acne. But after trying the holistic treatment they learned from Mike’s e-book, they were pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong. They became acne free and they did it without using expensive treatment methods and medications.

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Cape Town, South Africa