Category: Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery

How To Control Hair Loss

How To Control Hair Loss

Nowadays, hair loss is a common syndrome among men and women. So, the common question is how to control hair loss? Most of us believe that application of expensive products advertised on TV can help prevent hair loss. But, it is far from reality.Mentioned below are some advices to control hair loss:1. To begin, you need to determine the element which is causing hair loss. Thereafter, address the problem with a requisite solution to it.2. Application of chemicals should be avoided, including the ones claiming warranties of hair loss formulation. There is no dearth of synthetically formulated products for control hair loss. Besides, products for streaking, colouring, permanent serums, straightening and rebounding should also be avoided. These formulations are harsh on hair to pull and mess hair, and weakening them from roots.3. Nutrition plays a vital role to ensure healthy hair. A well-balanced diet is a foremost to control hair loss problem. To ascertain healthy hair, a diet should also include white sesame seeds, yoghurt, buttermilk, whole grains, milk and lots of green leafy vegetables.4. Stress is also identified among factors that lead to hair loss. Besides hair loss, stress is one of the prominent reasons for premature greying of hair. There are several ways to relieve of stress. A simple and relaxing massage can render dual benefits, ensuring healthy hair and preventing hair loss.5. Consumption of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine may contribute to hair loss. It is better to give up these habits.6. Physical activities or fitness regimen ensure better blood circulation. Exercising for little over 30 minutes every day will ascertain healthy and stronger hair. If you have medical condition wherein physical engagement is not possible, consult health care provider if you can practice easier forms of yoga or moderate fitness exercise.7. Hair loss may occur as a result of hormonal imbalance. Consult your health care provider and seek for advice to avoid future hair fall.8. Taking care of hair is very important as well Be careful of shampoos and conditioners that youve been using.9. Ayurvedic treatment is also an effective way for hair loss, which involves regulation of diet, medicated massaging and application of herbs. The treatment lays emphasis on establishing equilibrium in life, which also includes giving up alcohol, or smoking or drugs addiction.10. Ayurvedic herbs, such as horsetail, stinging nettle, rosemary and birch are considered excellent to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair re-growth.

Staying Informed About How Long Do Drugs Stay In The System

Staying Informed About How Long Do Drugs Stay In The System


Drug testing has become one of the most common procedures across the country when it comes to hiring new employees, obtaining certain benefits, or even joining specific organizations. While this is a very useful procedure, it can be scary for the person being tested if they have ingested any drugs, either prescribed or not. This fact leads to one of the most commonly asked questions in the medical field, “How Long Do Drugs Stay in the System?”. The answer to this question is reliant on a variety of different factors.

1)The Type of Drug Taken- Drugs metabolize in the system at various rates due to the fact that the body breaks each compound down in a different process. Marijuana, for example, is eliminated through a completely different process than what a prescription drug that is ingested would be. Marijuana can sometimes stay in the system for many weeks, while there are prescription drugs, such as painkillers, that are usually out within a few days.

2)The Metabolism of the Patient-When questioning how long do drugs stay in the system, you must know that the answer to this question is not the same for all people. People with higher metabolic rates will often eliminate traces of drugs a lot faster than someone who is less active. A good comparison is the way in which the body burns calories. People with a high metabolism will burn calories quicker and therefore, they will typically eliminate drugs much faster as well.

3)How Much of the Drug Was Taken?-Some drugs will remain in the system longer if they are taken in large quantities or if they are taken on a regular basis. Some prescription drugs actually build up in the system over time and therefore, they will take longer to eliminate. Certain forms of prescription medications are well known for this, and so is marijuana.

If you would like more information about how long do drugs stay in the system, Occupational Health Services may be able to help. It is best to educate yourself about how drugs react once they are in the body and just how long the residual components will hang around once inside.

Certified Senior Living Advisors: Lending A Helping Hand During A Trying Time

Certified Senior Living Advisors: Lending A Helping Hand During A Trying Time


As the olden days of less-than-adequate senior care disappear into the past, many people are starting to turn towards their local certified senior living advisors for some much-needed help with navigating today’s late-life care market. As there are many different types of facilities and nuanced care options available nowadays, it makes sense to have an experienced and resourceful professional by your side, especially if the senior in question happens to be struggling with a cognitive condition, mobility issues, or any other late-life ailments.

This brief article will identify the three most prevalent modern senior living arrangements and help you understand how certified senior living advisors can help establish a viable late-life plan for your beloved senior.

Modern Late-Life Care Options

Due to the recent expansion of the senior living landscape, it’s important to compare and contrast the most popular options available in this day and age:

* Independent Living: As the most popular option in the present day, independent living facilities offer residents a fully autonomous lifestyle without sacrificing any medical or security provisions. With well-furnished accommodations and a special focus on socialization, these living arrangements cater to self-sustaining seniors who simply wish to be around age-appropriate camaraderie.

* Assisted Living: Assisted living centers are geared towards seniors who struggle with living independently but have yet to reach the point of requiring around-the-clock medical attention. Thus, for seniors who are struggling with minor mobility issues, subtle cognitive hang-ups, or mild depression, making the shift to an assisted living facility will allow them to experience the company of others while the compassionate on-site nurses maintain a watchful eye.

* Nursing Homes: More commonly referred to as long-term care facilities, nursing homes cater to residents who require 24/7 medical attention. For those battling a chronic condition or recovering from an extensive surgery, nursing homes are the perfect solution as professional medical care is always available at a moment’s notice.

Picking the Best Local Advisory Team

Searching through the boundless World Wide Web for a senior care solution can be relatively taxing, especially if you lack the all-too-important industry connections and knowledge needed to make an informed decision. Instead of undertaking this task by yourself, you should outsource the legwork to a reputable advisory team such as Oasis Senior Advisors because they’ll be able to connect the obscure dots for you. After carefully assessing your senior’s conditions, restrictions, and mental standing, the team of consultants will provide a host of affordable care options that take into account all health needs and socialization desires. You can also follow them on Twitter for more information.

Thinning Hair In Your Teens?

Thinning Hair In Your Teens?

By Hazel Leong

Your hair could be thinning for any number of reasons or combination of reasons, and without a thorough medical examination by a physician, it is impossible to tell which is which with any degree of certainty. Our goal in this article is to address the most common questions that we receive from our readers and to answer those questions in a very non-scientific manner, and perhaps even answer some questions that might be on your mind too. To follow, is a brief discussion on the known causes of thinning hair and how it can be treated medically.

In general terms, some of the most common reasons for hair loss or thinning are:

1. Genetics.

2. Illness.

3. Poor Diet.


4. Stress.

5. Medications.

6. Post-partum Alopecia.

Thinning Hair During Puberty!

In men, thinning hair can start any time after puberty, usually in the late teens to early 20’s. Typical male pattern thinning hair starts as a recession of the hairline with some thinning in the crown. This can eventually progress over years or decades, to the familiar ‘monk’s ring’ of hair.

Thinning Hair Solution: Hair Transplantation

The common method of implanting grafts is illustrated in figure 3. There are two type of donor grafts taken from the hair-bearing posterior scalp: cylindrical, elliptical (also macrografts) and micrografts or minigrafts. The most common type of Macrografts is cylindrical plug. Using a device like a hole puncher, the surgeon removes 1/8-inch-round graft containing about 12 to 20 hairs and placed into a smaller cylindrical hole in the anterior balding region of the scalp. Depending on the degree of baldness, 1 to 4 sessions of transplantation are required, with placement of 50 to 60 plugs at each session. Successive transplantation sessions are scheduled with at least a 3-month interval between procedures.

Hormones govern the growth of hair. In men, the male hormone, testosterone, governs beard, body hair and hair in the armpits. In women, estrogen, the female hormone generally prevents hair growth on the chin and encourages it to grow on the head. Occasionally women develop signs of thinning hair or baldness when estrogen levels drop. (see Rogaine)

So, we urge you to find out more about Hair loss, thinning hair and the remedies and treatments which can reverse this problem. Find out more at

About the Author: In men,

thinning hair

can start any time after puberty, usually in the late teens to early 20’s! Find out more at


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