Category: Health


Diet For Sciatica In Ayurveda

Diet For Sciatica In Ayurveda

What is Sciatica?

Sciaticais a common type of pain affecting the sciatic nerve extending from the lower back through hips, buttocks and down each leg. It typically affects only one leg at a time. It occurs commonly when there is any herniated vertebral disc, any bone spur on the vertebral column or there is the narrowing of the spine.

Causes of Sciatica

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is pinched usually by the herniated disc or bone spur on the vertebral column. In rare cases, it is seen that the nerve is compressed because of tumors or in diseases like diabetes it is seen more commonly.

There are certain risk factors for sciatica as follows-

  • Age – Age-related issues as a herniated spine or bone spur are the most common causes.
  • Obesity –Excess body weight can contribute to the stress on the spine which can trigger sciatica.
  • Diabetes – in this condition due to nerve damage changes seen commonly, sciatica is seen more frequently.
  • Occupation – Occupations which include carrying heavy loads drive a vehicle for a longer period are seen to have chances of getting sciatic pain.
  • Prolonged sitting – People who have a sedentary lifestyle or who sit for a longer period are commonly seen affected by sciatica.
  • Muscle spasms in the back.
  • Pregnancy
  • Spondylolisthesis.

Symptoms of Sciatica

Common symptoms of sciatica include –

  • Lower back pain
  • Hip pain
  • Constant pain on one side of the leg.
  • Pain is unbearable making one difficult to stand.
  • Tingling pain down the leg.

The Hallmark sign of Sciatica is the pain radiates from your lower spine to your buttock and down the leg. There is discomfort along the nerve pathway.

This pain can vary from a sharp cutting pain to mild pain. It also feels like an electric shock sometimes. Sitting for a prolonged period can aggravate the symptom.

Some of the people have numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness in the affected leg.

Diagnosis for Sciatica

Personal checkups during the routine examination may reveal the condition. There are few imaging tests to confirm the diagnosis as –

  • Xray – Xray of the spine is can reveal the bone spur.
  • MRI – MRI spine helps to find out the details images of the spine and soft tissues surrounding helping to diagnose the case.
  • CT Scan – it is used to do diagnose the case finally.
  • EMG (Electromyography) – this test measures the electric impulse produced by nerves and the responses of your muscles.

Conventional Treatment of Sciatica

There are various conventional methods for the treatment of sciatica like as –

  • Physiotherapy – it includes exercises to correct the posture, strengthen the muscles supporting the back improving the flexibility.
  • Medications – The types of drugs in sciatica are anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxants, narcotics, etc.
  • Steroidal Injection is also suggested in some cases where the nerve root is also involved.
  • Surgery – it is the option usually reserved for patients when the compressed nerve causes prominent symptoms like loss of bowel or bladder control, or the pain do not subside though taking pain killers. Surgery can remove those bone spurs or the portion of the herniated disk that is pressurizing on the nerve.

Homeopathic remedies for Sciatica

Homeopathy does not treat a symptom but considers the unique set of symptoms as a whole to address the root cause of the problem. The Homeopathic remedies for sciatica are believed to enhance the structure and functions of the nerves. Homeopathic remedies for Sciatica are –

  • Hypericum –Studies suggest that this homeopathic remedy may reduce spasms in the lower lumbar region. [Source:]
  • Aconitum Napellus – Studies suggest that this homeopathic remedy may possess anti-inflammatory properties. [Source:]
  • Colocynthis – Studies suggest that this Homeopathic remedy may relieve the pain caused due to pressure on the nerve ending. [Source:]

Preventive measure for sciatica

Some types of Sciatica like associated with pregnancy, degenerative disk disease, cannot be prevented. In some cases, it is possible to prevent to an extent by taking certain measures like

  • Maintaining good posture.
  • Quitting smoking.
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight.
  • Regular exercises like yogasanas, breathing exercises.
  • Keeping safe from fall.

Ayurvedic Diet Suggested

Recommended foods are –

  • Brown rice, whole wheat, green gram (moong), horse gram(kulatha), sesame(til), Louki(white guard), ginger, garlic, milk, and dairy products.
  • An adequate amount of potassium is also essential for managing Sciatica as it provides toughness to the muscles and helps in neuro-transmission. Potassium-rich foods are green leafy vegetables, avocados, white beans, potatoes, mushrooms, banana, Salmon fish.
  • Chicken, meat, and eggs should be consumed moderately as they cause constipation.

Foods to be avoided are –

  • Green peas, karela(bitter gourd), Frozen meat, fermented foods, cold drinks, cold water too.

Ayurvedic dietary tips

  • Take 5-6 pieces each of garlic and clove in a 10 ml sesame oil, heat on low flame for 5 minutes, allow to cool a bit and then apply it on your back with a gentle massage every day at bedtime. This remedy offers excellent relief from back pain, stiffness, and lumbago.
  • Freshly prepared ginger and lemon juice with black salt is good to relieve backache.

Home care for Sciatica

Self-care at home is necessary to manage the pain factor in sciatica. Stretching or activities that place additional strain on the back must be avoided.

Sleeping one-sided with a pillow taking in between the knees is seen as comfortable in many cases.

Heat and ice therapy alternating can provide instant relief of sciatic nerve pain. Ice pack helps to reduce the inflammation, while heat increases the blood flow to the painful areas giving some relief. Apply an ice pack to the painful area for 15 minutes once every hour and then apply heat for 15 minutes every 2 to 3 hours.

Proper body posture is found essential in helping to relieve the pain many times. Varying the posture after every 15 to 20 minutes is also beneficial.

Benefits Of Health Suppleme NT S   Acai Berry Products And Billberry Capsules}

Benefits Of Health Suppleme NT S Acai Berry Products And Billberry Capsules}




We source all our needs from nature. Plants and trees provide vegetables and fruits that are rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Compared to animal meat products which are high in fat and cholesterol, fruits and vegetables are superior in terms of providing nutrition to the human body. However, many people dont have a sufficient intake because of their busy lifestyle and poor eating habits. Health supplements such as acai berry products and billberry capsules can improve overall health and nutrition. They can help the body fight diseases because they are very rich in antioxidants. Aside from boosting the immune system, they are good for the heart, and also improve blood circulation and brain function.ACAI BERRYThe acai berry is a reddish-purple fruit which comes from the acai palm tree, which is found in Central and South America. It tastes like red wine. Acai berry is considered as a superfood because of its superior nutritional value. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fibre. Antioxidants prevent the build up of free radicals. Free radicals damage the cells and organs in the body, making it prone to diseases and premature ageing. Here are some of the health benefits of acai berry products: Good for the heart Acai berry contains high amounts of anthocyanins, a form of plant antioxidant. It has 10 times more antioxidants compared to grapes. It lowers cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. Cholesterol sticks to the walls of arteries, causing it to narrow. High levels of cholesterol can lead to plaque build up and high blood pressure. Acai berries are good for the heart because they improve blood circulation, prevent blood clots and help relax the blood vessels. Boosts the immune system It is rich in Vitamin C. It also contains Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3 and E. It also has phytochemicals which may help prevent cancer by destroying tumour cells before they multiply. Better digestion It is rich in dietary fibre, helping the body get rid of toxins and waste products. Acai berry is good for colon cleansing and detoxification. Anti-ageing properties Because of its high antioxidant content, acai berry helps keep cells healthy by fighting free radicals. This leads to a more youthful feeling and better looking skin. Increased energy Aside from vitamins, acai berry also has calcium, zinc, magnesium and copper. It also has amino acids for more strength and stamina.BILLBERRY CAPSULESBillberry is a type of plant. It contains chemicals called tannins that reduce swelling and inflammation. Some of the benefits of billberry capsules are: Improved blood circulation It helps prevent hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis and the formation of varicose veins. Billberry also reduces symptoms associated with a circulation problem called chronic venous insufficiency. Helpful in treating eye disorders Eye disorders associated with diabetes and high blood pressure such as retinopathy can be managed by taking billberry capsules. Billberry contains anthocyanoside, which is helpful in treating retinal problems. It is anti-inflammatory Billberry can be used to treat mouth and throat irritation, osteoarthritis, gout and skin infections.OTHER SUPPLEMENTSAcetyl L-Carnitine capsules are health supplements which improve brain and nerve function. It can be used to enhance memory, treat Alzheimers disease and depression. It is also used for treating nerve damage or neuropathy and male infertility. Acetyl L-Carnitine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body.


Acetyl L-Carnitine capsules are health supplements which improve brain and nerve function. You can check here for more information about Detox Tablets.

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Kyani Health Supplement Store Provides The Best Supplements For The Health And Wellbeing Of Your Bod}

Kyani Health Supplement Store Provides The Best Supplements For The Health And Wellbeing Of Your Bod}

Kyani health supplement store provides the best supplements for the health and wellbeing of your bod


Vikram Kumar

For those in search of the most comprehensive treatment and nutrition, this health supplement producer provides the most intensive care to the body, by formulating a host of unique supplements, crafted with the help of exotic and healthy ingredients from all over the globe. These health supplements seek to provide everyday life-giving nutrients, combat daily stresses, wear and tear, and help compensate the negative effects of faulty nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles.

This health supplement producer formulates its exotic supplements, based on powerful and unique ingredients used by an Alaskan tribe known as Tlingit Tribe (pronounced as Klink-It) a tribe which surprisingly has no history of chronic and metabolic diseases like, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and stroke. This Alaskan tribe refers to certain indigenous ingredients as strong medicine, for two food staples respectively the Wild Alaskan blueberry and Alaskan Sockeye salmon. These two unique ingredients form the heart of these health supplements, better known as the health supplement stores Triangle of Health.

The Wild Alaskan Blueberry forms the backbone of these health supplements for a good reason. Its rich blue pigment, known as anthocyanin, has anti-oxidants properties, 5 times that of the common blueberry, which helps the plant to combat the harsh Alaskan winter. The wild blueberry forms the emblem for culture and ideals of this health supplement store, due to its abilities as a strong medicine.

Foundation: The building blocks began with a few founding families, the Hansens and Taylors, with constant hard work, dedication and determination. The Hansens renovated a company dealing with petroleum, and transformed it to one of the largest distributors in America. The Taylors established one of the largest potato plantations and cattle operations in the state of Idaho. After discovering strong medicines like the blueberry and sockeye salmon, these families collaborated their efforts in formulating a set of unique supplements, using these anti-oxidant rich super foods. Today, with their wellness triangle of health and marketing, this health supplement company seeks to provide optimum health and nutrition, and financial opportunity to millions of customers all over the world.


Wellness triangle: With a history of more than 10,000 scientific researches, this health supplement company provides some of the most revolutionary proprietary supplements forming the Triangle of Health. This includes three powerful and essential health supplementary products. These ensure your body meets its daily requirements, for everyday optimum functioning and performance.

By following this wellness triangle, one can is sure to receive:

The optimum micronutrients, vitamins and minerals required every day for health bone, muscle, nerve and heart health, as well as healthy skin and tissues,

A healthy immune system to help combat infections, diseases and disorders, and enhance the ability to combat daily environmental stresses. Omega 3 fatty acids, derived from wild salmon, provide the natural lipid nutrition needed for optimum immune health, cell health and cardiovascular functioning.

A rich amount of anti-oxidants and essential fatty acids sourced from priceless natural ingredients. These help to lower the risk of chronic metabolic and lifestyle disorders. These anti-oxidants are sourced from a host of prized ingredients coveted since times.

Core beliefs: This health supplement company believes in helping people experience the best in health and nutrition, so that they can achieve the best in life. With highly beneficial and cutting edge heath supplements, this health supplement company seeks to impart its wellness triangle to millions all over the world. Even for those dealing with the products as distributors, this health supplement company provides a great financial opportunity to them and their families as well, hence making everyone, experience more in life!

NOTE: Article is just for information and for internet marketing of products. You should consult your doctor before taking taking Kyani health supplements

The following

health supplement company

formulates extensive scientific research based health products, taking its roots from the Alaskan tribes and their food staples referred to as superfoods. Through research, hard work and dedication, this

health supplement company

provides supplements all over the world, to meet the nutritional requirements and demands of every individual for their proper functioning and performance.

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Say No To Junk Food If You Want To Lead A Healthy Life}

Say No To Junk Food If You Want To Lead A Healthy Life}

Submitted by: Greg Garner

In a nutshell, junk foods have no nutrition. They often have loads of fat which can lead to negative health effects on those who regularly consume the products. So why do people eat junk food? Well, because its tasty! However, as the name suggests, junk food is primarily junk for our body.

Irrespective of how the manufacturers label them, junk foods are very high on fat and sugar content. The ill effects of junk food would be pronounced when consumed regularly. In general, teenagers are huge consumers of junk food, as they survive of stuff like fries, chips, and a host of other snack foods which are highly publicized as well, thus resulting in quite an unhealthy lifestyle. Even though a vast majority of such junk foods have zero nutritional value, a few junk foods could well form a part of your diet, even if eaten in moderate quantities.

Irrespective of your age, junk food can be bad, especially if you have no control on how much quantity you consume it in. Its primarily because junk foods fail to balance the level of energy which you should consume, and your body craves for more junk food once you start eating it. Also, with more consumption of junk food, it would be very difficult for you to concentrate on your normal work since you just acquire fats from junk foods, and not quite healthy ingredients. Junk food also means that you would be having less of oxygen which would lead to poor functioning of the brain.

The ingredients which make junk food so tasty and attractive make them bad for your bodys health as well. Apart from a few manufacturers products, the content of fat in junk food has quite high levels of cholesterol. And sodium salts and sugar also have their ill effects on health. In addition, high content with too many calories and too much sugar leads to obesity. And salt and cholesterol are generally believed to set off blood pressure, heart disease and strokes. When consumed excessively, these salts can have a bad affect on the kidneys, as well.

Bad Effects of Junk Food

The bad effects of junk foods have been talked about for decades. The bad effects of these can be classified into short term and long term bad effects as follows:

– Lower energy level: Even though a person eats enough quantity of junk, it will still result in them feeling weak since it hardly contains any nutritional value.

– Lack of concentration: Excessive consumption of junk food which is high on fat and oil content, can lead to lower concentration at work, making people feel drowsy, and also decrease their blood circulation.

Junk food also has high levels of cholesterol which can affect the liver, and regular consumption may damage it or disturb the metabolism. So it can be said that having junk food occasionally is fine, but in excess can be very harmful.

About the Author: For more information please visit our

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The Wonderful Benefits Of Seated Massage}

The Wonderful Benefits Of Seated Massage}

The Wonderful Benefits of Seated Massage


Susan Dorke

Massage is regarded as an extremely beneficial intervention in removing stress and tension out of your system and relaxing all of the muscles and joints in your body. Today, there are various several types of massage therapy to pick from. Every type has its own benefits and reasons. Nevertheless, one of many recommended kinds of massage is the one and only the seated massage. The seated massage is also called the chair massage. This form of massage is definitely quite simple to perform, yet it comes with a lot of advantages to the body. This can be used in order to help keep the body reinvigorated and away from any kind of strain.

The advantages of Seated Massage

Massage therapy entails the manipulation of the several soft tissues in the body to make a very relaxing benefit to the muscles. This could be used as an alternate treatment to a lot of several types of medical problems. The seated massage is recognized to be one of the most common forms of therapeutic massage. This in fact provides better access and focus to your head, neck and also your back. Just like any other healing massages, the

Seated Massage

also provides a great deal of good things to our bodies. These kinds of advantages are the following:

Muscle relaxation – One of the best benefits of chair massage is muscle relaxation. The shoulders, neck, head and also the back are the common body parts that may encounter deep tension and stress. This leads to muscles hardness as well as tenderness. On the other hand, using the application of the seated massage, these exhausted points can be easily reduced from tension. After the muscles relax, the pain also tends to minimize mainly in the neck together with the shoulders.

Promotes excellent blood circulation – other than making the muscles relaxed, another benefit of doing the seated massage is that it provides good blood circulation to your body. This type of massage enables the muscles to loosen up thus enabling blood to flow significantly. Because of this improvement in blood circulation, a lot more nutrients and oxygen could be disseminated on the various cells of the muscle tissue.

Maintains Good Privacy – Apart from the health benefits of doing the seated massage, another thing that makes this kind of therapy a favorite of a lot of people is that it does not need removing the garments. Many people become hesitant in doing a complete massage since it reveals a significant portion of the body. Conversely, together with the seated massage, a similar relaxing strokes can nevertheless be presented without the need of taking your clothing off.

Accessible – Besides the 3 mentioned above, the seated or chair massage is as well readily available. It is accessible in a sense that massage chairs are extremely transportable, which permits you to have the massage therapy at any place you need to. It can be done within your room or in the park or even by the lake. This kind of massage therapy is also extremely helpful for older people who may have difficulty in getting on top of the massage table.

Caring Touch – Last but certainly not the least, seated massage also provides an extremely caring touch in your body. This can be a different type of embrace or a caring hand on the shoulder. For this reason, the seated massage is additionally popular due to the subconscious positive aspects. This can be wonderful in promoting better overall health of the person.

These are just a number of the amazing benefits and merits of obtaining the seated massage. Despite the fact this sort of massage therapy only involves the upper-back portion of the body, it can still promote relaxation within the body. It’s no surprise why plenty of people would wish to have this kind of treatment method.

Having been trained as a masseuse, Susan Dorke worked for a number of years in the massage industry. Writing had always been a hobby and passion for her and thus she gave up her job as a masseuse and started writing herself. To learn more about

Seated Massage

, visit their site about

Corporate Massage


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What Is Man Without The Beasts? Don’t Miss The 7 Gifts}

What Is Man Without The Beasts? Don’t Miss The 7 Gifts}

What is Man Without the Beasts? Don’t Miss the 7 Gifts


Val Heart

Maimonides, the 12th century philosopher and physician said that “if we took care of ourselves as well as we do our animals we would suffer fewer illnesses.”

Many ancient tribal societies believed that animals could carry the illnesses of their owners. Today animal health care providers see a significant correlation between stressed owners and their sick animals.

Take a moment to notice how much you care for and love your pet. Notice the many gifts they have even though they may not be perfect. Love, appreciate and care for yourself at least that much.

Also notice if you’re in any way neglecting your animals, or have forgotten to be grateful for their many gifts to you. This is also instructive and shows you ways you may be neglecting, judging or mistreating yourself…

In order to stay healthy personally and within our community, we must stay connected with our animals. It’s important to treat them and ourselves with respect and honor, listening and learning from them on many levels.

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to man. All things are connected.” – Chief Seattle

We rediscover our connection with the planet and our own Divine nature when we connect with other beings.

Can you imagine your life without animals in it? No animal games to make you laugh, or excuses to get out and get some exercise. No soft fur to stroke, or beautiful feathers to admire. No inquisitive face listening attentively to your problems without judging you. No unconditional love regardless of how your hair is or what you’re wearing.

How would your home or heart feel if there were no furry or feathered face waiting to greet you, to connect with you, to share their day with you?

If you have gotten distracted by all the daily chores and maybe got frustrated trying to cope with behavior problems, then take a moment to reconnect with the many spiritual qualities and gifts they bring every day.

To improve your relationships with your animals, you can start by counting the many blessings they share every day.

Consider these 7 remarkable gifts:

1. Help with Illness: Do you get sick frequently? Studies have shown that pet owners make fewer doctor visits, have shorter hospital stays and take less medication than folks who don’t have pets! Pet interaction also helps reduce the pain of arthritis, minimize the side effects of cancer, and even helps with Alzheimer’s Disease!!

2. Help with Heart Attacks: Want to get well faster after a heart attack? Dog owners are 8 times more likely to survive for more than 1 year after a heart attack than those who don’t have dogs! Increased survival rates are based on owning a dog, not on any other physical, psychological or social factor!

3. Help with Blood Pressure: Want to bring your blood pressure down? Before taking another pill, reach for your pet. Interacting with animals helps lower and balance blood pressure problems. Petting an animal is soothing to mind, body and spirit. We become more focused on loving and being loved which increases mood improving brain chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin.

4. Help with Weight Problems: Are you constantly on a diet? When you get hungry, play a game or going for a walk with your pet. Dozens of studies link higher levels of oxytocin with lower blood pressure, lower cortisol (the hormone associated with stress and weight gain), more positive social interactions, increased pain tolerance and faster wound healing.

5. Help to Live Longer: Want to live longer? Animals can even help lengthen life, and they certainly add to the quality of that life. In a study of nursing homes, when pets were included as part of the program, mortality rates were 25% lower than at facilities that didn’t include pets!

6. Help with Self Improvement: Do you need a master teacher, love guru or role model? Your animal companions know a lot about health and healing, loving and living life well. They are not bashful about asking directly for what they need or want. They take naps when they’re tired. And they know how to discharge energy through exercise and play.

7. Help with Fatigue and Depression: Are you isolated or feeling depressed, fatigued or sad? Studies have shown that the more true friends and companions we spend quality time with, the less ill, depressed and fatigued we are. If you have a minimum of 10 in your circle of friends, then statistics show that you won’t get fatigued or depressed nearly as much.

Other Beings in our lives sometimes serve us by reflecting back to us the lessons we are here to learn. Many companion animals choose to spend their lives attempting to break through our barriers, help us heal and become reconnected with all Life.

They touch our hearts and for that we are forever grateful.

Val Heart, Expert Animal Communicator, Behaviorist, Author, Master Healer — Providing Communication, Clarity, Balance and Healing for You and Your Animal.

Call (210) 863-7928, visit

Get Val’s Free Report: 10 Things You Must Know Before Hiring An Animal Communicator

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What is Man Without the Beasts? Don’t Miss the 7 Gifts


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