Category: Pet Tags

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Pet Hospital: Knowing Where To Go In Your Pet’s Time Of Need

Pet Hospital: Knowing Where To Go In Your Pet’s Time Of Need

byAlma Abell

Have you prepared for what to do when your pet becomes ill? Who will you turn to in their time of need? While these are thoughts that no one likes to think about, they are important considerations. Being adequately prepared in your pet’s time of need will save you time, money, and stress. Knowing where to take your pet when they become ill will prevent unnecessary confusion and your beloved pet will thank you!

Brief Examinations and Less Urgent Concerns

Veterinary clinics are most appropriate for minimal preventative care and less urgent concerns. They are limited in the range of services they can provide, and they are best used for minor procedures and regular check-up examinations.

Given that they have smaller teams and less access to laboratory equipment, clinics may take longer to provide answers about your pet’s condition. While they have the ability to make diagnoses, they typically send their lab work to external sites. Therefore, clinics are not recommended for emergencies, more thorough examinations, and intensive surgical procedures. Overall, clinics are most helpful for brief examinations and non-immediate concerns.

Diagnostics and Intensive Care

Pet hospitals have a broader range of services, providing preventative care as well as more intensive and immediate care. Some of the services provided include dental procedures, laser therapy, digital x-rays and radiology, laboratory and diagnostic testing, full pharmacies, boarding, and more intensive specialty surgeries such as orthopedics.

Convenience is the main word that should come to mind when you think of a pet hospital. Given that they have a larger staff, in-house diagnostic equipment, and immediate access to knowledgeable surgeons, they can offer everything you need in one place.

Another helpful service provided is an on-site pharmacy with immediate access to the medications that may be required for your pet’s treatment. This relieves a lot of stress and provides peace of mind.

Where Should You Go?

There is a wide range of options available to your pet during their time of need, but it is critical to know where to go ahead of time. While veterinary clinics can be a helpful resource, a pet hospital can provide what most clinics do as well as more comprehensive care. Instead of having to wait longer for lab results and possibly take your pet to another site for more answers, why not go where you know you can get comprehensive care and treatment in one place?

The convenience, a broader range of services, and a larger team will provide you with reassurance and peace that money cannot buy. You want to give your pet the best, and you want them to have the most comprehensive, resourceful, and convenient care for your piece of mind and theirs. Visit Lido Animal Hospital to know more about the pet care services they offer.

Healthy, Balanced Pet Food In Folsom, Ca

Healthy, Balanced Pet Food In Folsom, Ca

byAlma Abell

Lees Feeds and Needs is a top supplier of Pet food in Folsom, CA. They understand that it is common for people to worry about the quantity of food they are feeding their animals, while in reality the most important factor should be quality. For any household pet it is important to remember that the food you select will directly affect their health and lifespan.

What to Know

A good pet food is one which focuses its efforts on providing your animals with the protein and grains they need in every meal. Many cheaper foods are known to provide fillers which give animals the bulk, but no nutrition. It is important to know what the actual content of meat is in each serving your animal is being fed.

Dry Food is Not Enough

Depending on the type of animal, your pet may have pellets or dry kibble in their diet. There is no problem with that, but it should not be their entire meal. Some studies now show that an animals which eat only a dry diet are often in a state of perpetual dehydration, despite their access to adequate water. This can lead to kidney disease as dogs and cats actually require a high moisture level in their diet.

Veggies Matter More Than Starch

Rice, particularly brown rice are acceptable for dogs. It provides bulk in a healthy form and can offer a variety of nutrients. But starches are not a required product in pet food for good health. However, vegetables are. Concentrating on providing your pet a food which supplies a variety of vegetables will be healthier than anything which promises even organic rice.

Avoid Fat and Sugar

Pets like foods with added fats and sugars for the same reason people do, it tastes good. But these are no healthier for them than they are for humans. Fructose, corn syrup and sugar are not needed and make animals gain weight. If you want the fat content because you feel it will benefit their skin or fur, it will not. For that, healthy fats like avocado, olive oil and eggs are a better option.

Taking the time to read labels can make a world of difference in the life of your pet. It is for this reason that pet food in Folsom CA when purchased from Lees Feeds and Needs is supplied from the top brand names in the business.

The Farting Contest}

The Farting Contest}

Submitted by: Conn Hutzell

In a farting contest the one who craps his pants is the winner. There are no continuances, take backs or do oversits finished. And like with any other contest the winner stands alone. Only, if you win a farting contest this way (the winner by crapping) not only will you stand alone, you will stand alone at a great distance from everyone else.that is unless youre in a car.

The boys were having one such olfactory offensive contest one day when we were on our way back from the beach. Nothing like swallowing half a lake of water to get the ole gastro-intestinal functions pumping. Anyway, they were in the backseat letting go with Rippers, Squeakers, Lone Rangers and the ever-popular Boomers. Like any great contest, faces were turning red and the grunts could be heard outside the carwith the windows rolled up. I was grateful though; that we were on a main road so the windows could be kept rolled down to eliminate the aftermath of the festivities in the backseat. At one point I had the car up to 80 just trying to keep the air flowing enough so Angela and I wouldnt pass out from the fumes.

But, unlike other contests, the noise and cheers are during the contest only. In this competition, the winner is not cheered but rather, ostracized by his fellow competitors and silence thus ensues. This is how we knew the competition had ended. All we heard in the front seat was the wind rushing by and all we could smell were the scents of the pines and the roadside diners..for about 2 minutes. You see, after a fart becomes real, it takes a minute or two for the reality to sink in, or rather to squish out.

What is that smell Angela asks me. I think one of the boys crapped his pants I respond. Did one of you crap your pants? Angela inquires to the back seatcomplete silence.

WE HAVE A WINNER! Faces were no longer red but kind of a sheet white color. Blake expounded his defeat I didnt do it! Andrew, even in victory, softly speaks: I think I did. Well did you or didnt you? (Angela by this time is almost completely turned around) Yesbut I didnt mean to!. He sat there silently when he should have been screamingBUT I WONI PAID THE ULTIMATE TO SUCCEEDI CAME, I SAW, I CRAPPED MY PANTS!! I have to admit it myself, not many kids have that kind of desire and drive. Needless to say, we all shared in Drews victoryall the way home! The windows stayed down and I picked it up to 85 just to stay ahead of the green fog that was permeating the car.

The silence continued until we arrived home. As soon as the car came to a stop, three doors flew open and the exodus from the car was faster than a dog with an infection scooting across the living room carpet. Drew remained seated for a few seconds, wallowing in his victory (so to speak). As he exited the car he proudly walked, bow legged, up the steps to the front door only to be denied entry. Angela stripped him not only of his trophy but also his swimsuit and dignity right there on the front porch. Till the day I die I will never forget his victory walk to the shower displaying his triumph.all the way up his back.

About the Author: Conn Hutzell is a self taught Internet and computer geek and the owner of

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