Category: Physio


Great Looking Skin In Your 40’s Takes A Good Skin Care Program In Your 20’s

Great Looking Skin In Your 40’s Takes A Good Skin Care Program In Your 20’s

It is inevitable that we all age; skin will lose elasticity and slowly the signs of aging will become apparent with brown spots, and fine lines and wrinkles. However, it is important to note that how you treat your skin in your twenties will forever be apparent later in life. Beginning a preventive maintenance skin care program in your twenties will help maintain a youthful glow well into your 40’s.

Our skin ages in two ways: the accumulated physical changes normally associated with the passage of time (chronological aging) and through the accumulated damage caused by exposure to environmental pollutants and UV radiation (accelerated aging). Both of these types of aging can be slowed down with proper skin care and protection.

Your twenties could be considered the age of prevention, when most skin care issues start with lack of care. Forgetting to wash your face before bed can lead to clogged pores, whiteheads and blackheads. Squinting in the sun and not using moisturizers can contribute to fine dry lines around the eyes. Too little sleep, too much alcohol and smoking can dull the complexion. Serious sunburn can now set the stage for age spots, and worse yet set the stage for some form of skin cancer including melanoma


The first step in developing the right skin care program to ward off premature aging is to determine your skin type. Is your skin on the dry side, oily or a combination of both – knowing your skin type will ensure that you have selected the most beneficial skin care products. If you are not sure how to determine your skin type read my article “How to Determine Your Skin Type”.

Your beauty regimen should consist of daily cleansing, toning and moisturizing. No matter what skin type you have (dry, oily, or combination) these steps are the key to great skin. For those with dry skin, avoid lathering type cleansers, and toners that are alcohol based. Your moisturizer should be rich in emollients. For those with oily skin, do not over dry the skin with to harsh of skin care products, this only leads the skin to produce more oil to combat that “dry” skin feeling.

Exfoliates and Masks:

A good exfoliate stimulates skin cells, cleans pores and sloughs off dead skin. No matter what skin type, an exfoliate is recommended, and depending on your skin type and the type of exfoliate, they should be used as needed. Additionally, facial masks do wonder to hydrate and nourish the skin.

Sunscreen – Although we hear it over and over again, don’t leave home without your sunscreen on. Sunscreen will protect your skin from those age spots that will eventually show up later in life or worse yet development of some form of skin cancer.

On a personal note, look for products that contain natural ingredients such as green tea, jojoba oil, or aloe vera just to name a few. Better yet consider making your own toners, masks, and exfoliates. By taking care of your skin in your twenties you will be rewarded in your 40’s by less wrinkles, age spots, and an overall beautiful complexion.

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For easy exfoliates, facial masks and facial peels you can easily make at home, visit Complete Skin Care Therapy Carol Belanger, author of 300+ Skin Care Recipes Author: Carol Belanger

Writing A Memoir: Do It Yourself Or Hire A Ghostwriter?

Writing A Memoir: Do It Yourself Or Hire A Ghostwriter?

Submitted by: Lisa Silverman

Some time ago, I was hired by a woman with a harrowing family story to tell. She desperately wanted to share her tale, believing that it would expose truths and help other people, but she recognized that her writing was not at a professional book author s level. So I agreed to ghostwrite the manuscript.

I had never done such a job before–editing books was my thing, not writing them–and I soon came to regret it. The woman lived far from me, so I never met her, and she had a difficult time understanding the level of detail I needed from her to effectively turn the events of her life into a potential book. The experience led me to ask: Can a deeply personal story be told in a deeply personal, affecting, true way–by someone who didn t live it?

A recent poll showed that 81 percent of Americans believe they have a book in them. I d bet that at least half those people have a memoir in mind. The genre has exploded over the past decade or so (though I m still not sure how it differs from a good old-fashioned autobiography Does anyone write those anymore?). But, of course, not everyone with a poignant story to tell has the writing skills to tell it effectively. So many turn to a ghostwriter for help.


If you fall into this category of aspiring author, keep this wisdom in mind that I gleaned from my own experience:

* Shop around. Make sure your prospective ghostwriter understands your story, not just knowing the events, but really getting what you want to say on a deeper level. To achieve such a connection, you must be completely honest and open with him/her. Hire someone in your geographical area if possible, so you can meet in person.

* Draw up a contract. Essential every time you work with another writer, even if it s your best friend. Especially if it s your best friend. Avoid any future conflicts about credit on the book jacket, whether the ghostwriter gets royalties or a flat fee, what happens if you decide it s not working out, etc. Then you can focus on telling your story together.

* Tell your ghostwriter everything–and I mean everything. Reveal even things you don t want to reveal in the book. Just as a character needs a back story, the ghostwriter needs context to make the story feel true. Trust is essential between you. Think of your ghostwriter as your therapist. Nothing leaves the room (except what goes in the book).

* Distance yourself from your story. Get into your ghostwriter s head and realize that he/she doesn t know what you know. Details are essential to effective writing, so while your daughter may not be a major character in your memoir, and while you may know every detail about your daughter, the ghostwriter doesn t. Every character in a good book is richly drawn. So even if she s in only one scene of the book, talking on the phone, tell your ghostwriter the color exactly how she acts when she s on the phone–not to mention the color of her eyes, her best friend s name you get the idea.

The bottom line is that Brechtian, emotionally distanced memoirs don t sell, unless you re a literary genius on the level of Brecht. So if you decide to seek ghostwriting help to create your manuscript, make sure your ghostwriter can feel close and connected to you and your story. Make sure the book in your head can be channeled through them onto the page.

About the Author: Lisa Silverman is a freelance book editor and works in copyediting at one of New York’s most prestigious literary publishers. She has also worked as a ghostwriter and a literary agent representing book authors and screenwriters. She founded

to help aspiring authors.


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