Category: Shirts


The Most Common Types Of Business Shirts

The Most Common Types Of Business Shirts

The Most Common Types Of Business Shirts


Yaleisha Sahay

Business shirts have always been in fashion since many past years. These shirts have changed a lot and are worn by everyone irrespective of their height, physique, complexion, etc. Owing to this Business Shirts are more in demand and come in variety of styles, designs and colors. But irrespective of various designs and styles, there are some Business Shirts which have always been in trend and are most commonly worn.


The Most Common Types Of Business Shirts Vary In Terms Of:- · Color- Business Shirts are available in many colors but the most common and preferred are White Formal Shirts, Black Formal Shirts, shirts in the shades of blue, etc. as these colors suit the personality of almost every person. · Pattern- The most common pattern of Business Shirts is stripes, checks and plain. · Designer Shirts- These shirts have collars and cuffs in contrast with the color of the shirt which give a stylish look within the framework of formal look of a Business Shirt. · Fabric-Business Shirts made of cotton are preferred most as they provide comfort and are easy to maintain when compared to the shirts of silk and other synthetic material. · Collar- There is a huge variety in collars ranging from banded, button up and curved to tab, straight and spread but straight collar shirts are preferred more as they give a more formal look than the others. · Simplicity- Shirts with lapel, pockets and simple cuffs are preferred over designer collar and cuff shirts. · Fit- The shirts which are smartly fitted are preferred more rather than the loose ones. The fitted shirts properly define the body structure and give a sophisticated look. Business Shirts complete the formal attire and bring a feel of uniformity in the organization. With so many varieties available, now Business Shirts are all about making a sophisticated style statement in the office. There are many Business Shirts Manufacturers in the market who guarantee quality products. Sahay is one such reputed Business Shirt Manufacturer present online. They provide you with the ease of Buying Business Shirts with the assurance of timely delivery. They provide quality shirts with the most contemporary designs thus promising a stylish and sophisticated look.

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Proper Fit For Men’s Suits

Proper Fit For Men’s Suits

By Nelson Fountaine

One of the more common sights in the business world, at weddings, funerals or other formal gatherings is ill-fitting men’s suits. Most men in today’s world aren’t taught how men’s suits are supposed to fit, so it’s easy to see why so many make mistakes. For most guys, as long as it covers everything and is relatively comfortable, it fits properly. Of course, that isn’t the case, and many men end up looking and feeling quite uncomfortable, especially if they have to wear their suit for an extended period of time.

When you think of how long a businessman must have a suit on each day, it’s easy to see how a comfortable fit is important, and why learning the ins and outs of men’s suits will benefit any man who must wear one. For the pants on men’s suits, you will want the bottoms of the pants to brush the top of the shoes in front and sit just above the soles of the shoes in the back.


It’s customary to wear the pants of men’s suits at your natural waist, which is close to your navel. Some contemporary men or men with smaller waists prefer to wear the pants of men’s suits lower on the waist. The main element of where you choose to position the waist of your pants on men’s suits is comfort. Basically, as long as the bottoms of your pants sit where they’re supposed to be, you should be all right. For some men’s suits, you may want to leave cuff on the bottom of the pants. Cuffs tend to work well on the bottom of men’s suits to add a little extra height. In the end, you don’t want your pants too snug or too close, but you do want to maintain the element of comfort.

The jacket of men’s suits must also provide the proper fit for the whole thing to work. The chest and shoulders of the jackets in men’s suits are the most important areas as far as fit is concerned. To get a proper fit, start by standing erect with your arms hanging down to your sides. The lapels of the jacket should be flush with the front panels of the jacket and lying flat. The buttons on the jackets of men’s suits should rest lightly on your stomach, or at least be almost touching. It’s ok for the collar of your shirt to extend up to an inch above your lapels, and while you’re standing, your biceps should almost break the drape of the sleeve from the shoulder.

When you’re being fitted for a men’s suit, it’s always best to stand in the most natural stance possible. Don’t try to stand with your chest out or arms flexed, because you’ll only end up with a suit that doesn’t fit you correctly. Not all suits that come ‘off the rack’ are going to fit every body type perfectly, but if you take the time and pay attention to each aspect of the process, you’ll be more likely to find men’s suits that fit you well and allow you to carry on with your days in comfort.

About the Author: Look your best with stylish

mens shirts

from all the top labels. The men’s fashion experts are now available online.


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An Experienced Attorney Can Help You Receive Your Disability Benefits In Grand Rapids Mi

An Experienced Attorney Can Help You Receive Your Disability Benefits In Grand Rapids Mi

byAlma Abell

Many of us have heard stories about how difficult someone found it to get Social Security Disability Benefits. The system seems very inconsistent, with bureaucrats approving or denying claims on a whim, apparently. One man with late-stage Parkinson’s Disease might be denied again and again while someone else with what appears to be a far less serious problem is approved on the first application.

The Social Security system is not set up to help people who can’t work to get disability. It appears to be set up to deny disability claims. Most claims are denied the first time. When people question why they were denied, they are told to appeal and that if it is approved at some later date, they will receive a retroactive payment. Unfortunately, that doesn’t help pay the bills today. It’s also critical to appeal the rejection within 60 days of receiving the ‘denied’ notice. If there is a second denial (not at all uncommon), a hearing before an administrative law judge must be requested within a further 60 days.

Most people who are denied do not receive a clear, understandable reason for the denial. That makes it very difficult to know what more is needed. Did the doctor not give enough information? Were more doctor’s reports needed? Was something filled out wrong on the form? When most people have reached the stage of testifying before a judge, they have an attorney assisting them. The experience of an attorney who has successfully handled many disability cases can be invaluable.

Bleakley Law Offices has a team of attorneys who are dedicated to fighting to get their clients the disability benefits that they deserve. It’s difficult enough struggling to survive without being able to work without also being forced to deal with bureaucrats who find it easier to say, “No”. The firm has been focused since 1999 on the legal areas of Social Security disability, Workers’ Compensation, personal injury, accidents and dog bites. Fred Bleakley has almost 30 years of experience fighting for the rights of his clients. If you are frustrated by your failure to get the Disability Benefits in Grand Rapids MI that you deserve, call the firm and find out out how these experienced attorneys can help you.

Don’t Forget To Say Thank You; A Quick Guide To A Perfect Thank You Note

Don’t Forget To Say Thank You; A Quick Guide To A Perfect Thank You Note

By Amy Carter

By now everyone should know that you’re supposed to say ‘thank you.’ And there is no nicer way to say it than with a well-written thank-you not. Not an email, not a text message, an honest-to-goodness handwritten thank-you note is appropriate for almost any situation. If you don’t already know how to write one, I’ve got a few tips for you.

The note itself

Keep a stash of thank-you notes handy. If you have to go out and buy one each time you need one, you’re less likely to do it. Having notes on-hand makes it easy to jot down a quick – but thoughtful – note of thanks. You don’t need a full size sheet of paper but a smaller folded card works wonderfully. You’ll be surprised at how far a note like this will go for your hostess or gift giver.


Social and personal thank-you notes

Sending a note to your host or hostess or gift-giver should be done as soon as possible. Get your note in the mail the next day if you can. Your note doesn’t have to be poetry. You just need a few sentences that are meaningful. Thank them for the gift or party, let them know how much you appreciate their thoughtfulness and suggest you get together again soon. You really only need three or four sentences to get your point across and make a nice impression. You don’t have to get too detailed or specific. And you don’t have to go on about the many uses of the gift or the details of the party. Keep it short and sweet and you’ll do the trick nicely.

Corporate thank you

A well-worded and timely thank-you note is just as important in business as it is in your social life. Your business relationships are important, so take time to compose a thank-you and you won’t regret it. You don’t need to be ‘all business’ in your corporate thank-you, but you do need to be professional. Thank them for their help, hard work, gift, etc., make sure they know that you enjoyed working with them (or continue to enjoy working with them) and look forward to working together again soon. A thank-you note to your boss/superior can follow the same format. While you should stay away from gushing phrases like ‘you’re the best boss ever’ I would mention how much you enjoy working for the company. Letting your boss know that you are grateful and happy is fitting for just almost any occasion.

Wedding thank you

Once you’re married and back from your honeymoon, you should really take time to sit down and write out your thank-you notes. Don’t stress, it can be easy. Stick to the social thank-you above and you’ll be fine. ‘Thank you for the gift. We are already using it. We love it. We hope we can get together at such and such event soon. Thank you again. Love, the newlyweds.’ This is not a template, but merely a suggestion. Timing is also very important. I’ve heard rumors that brides are allowed up to one year to send a thank-you not. Frankly, I think this is a little long. Take a few minutes to compose a note as soon as you can and your gift-giver will be so happy to hear that you’re enjoying your gift.

A thank-you note is an easy but important gesture. Personally anytime I can open mail that is not just or a bill, it makes me smile. Your thank-you note can be unexpected and just might brighten up the recipient’s day. And let’s face it, sending a thank-you note is the right thing to do.

About the Author: has many great

thank-you note

options for you to choose from. And if you need some more advice about notes and invitations, check out our

writing resources.


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Internet Marketing: The Wrongs

Internet Marketing: The Wrongs

By Thomas Fairholm

As many smart and effective strategies that are utilized to successfully promote an online business, there are just as many, if not more, inadequate, even foolish, approaches that could spell doom for the venture. These wrongs can range from the merely uninformed or mis-informational to the outright disregard, either of which can lead to the commission of social and professional faux pas. Blunders such as these can serve as the seeds for any temporary and therefore correctable problems, or they can bring about the destruction of the business in question. When a vast network is established for a business, news can does circulate extremely fast throughout the professional community where it eventually filters into the many public forums where damage is especially critical.

Following are a few major donts of which new business owners should be wary in their day-to-day practices with both colleagues and the general public. They might seem like no-brainiers, but they are oh-so important enough to serve as reminders.

1) Never play favorites.


Different from target networking, which serves as a means for isolating those for which ones particular business is designed, Playing favorites is downright discriminatory in nature. This is especially true when it comes to interacting with potential clients or customers. For example, when a male entrepreneur pays more attention to a buxom blond with big blue eyes and a shapely form over a heaving old man with a wart-covered face who, by all rights, was first in line, such sourness and complaints are liable to cast the business owner in a negative light and even possibly lead to litigations, the second especially occurring in the case of a woman being ignored over a man in relation to a male-owned business. Behavior should be motivated through fairness and objectivity, as well as an overall general friendliness and the appreciation for patronage of a business venture by all who show an interest.

2) Never network according to narrowly devised business objectives.

When online marketing plans are put into play within a small demographic, the business cannot easily grow. Openness and flexibility should always be considered so that network circulation of business ideas and preferences are dispersed faster and more broadly throughout the various Internet communities where they will become known among a greater number of people. When it comes to networking, a happy medium is the more beneficial approach, especially for the new business owner who is trying to become established in her or his particular field.

3) Never cut down affiliate or competing businesses when advertising.

This looks petty, and it is underhanded. Although some politics are involved in marketing and promoting a business venture, mud-slinging is not necessary. Instead, the more appropriate and more effective advertising puts emphasis on the showcased business merchandise and key objectives. The business, if viable enough, can and should stand on its own and speak for itself without having look good through criticism of others. This will only lead to resentful opposition with an outfit that could eventually serve as yet another networking affiliate.

The business world is a virtual minefield, especially for the newcomer. This is why entrepreneurs just starting out would be well-advised to become informed on law and etiquette when developing business protocols and philosophy. Knowledge is power, and the power could save ones hide.

About the Author: Thomas Fairholm, To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

For products and services to streamline your business and help you earn more money in the least amount of time visit:


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