Cheap Car Loans: Your Key To Buying A Car At Cheap Rates}

Cheap Car Loans: Your Key To Buying A Car At Cheap Rates


Kevin Clark

With the advent of so many facilities in our lives nowadays, it is not very difficult to purchase something like a car which can prove to be very useful to us. The buyer may not have enough money to pay the complete cost of the car in one go but he can take up cheap car loans for that purpose.

Cheap car loans can be borrowed for paying the price of the car to the dealer. By lump sum payment which the borrower can make through cheap car loans, the buyer can avail many schemes and offers like free servicing, bargaining on the car cost and similar privileges.

Cheap car loans can be obtained by pledging the car itself as the collateral with the lender. This is the secured form of the cheap car loans. By pledging collateral, the rate of the loan can be further reduced. However if the borrower does not want to pledge his car as collateral, he can take up the unsecured form of the cheap car loans. They are offered at slightly higher rate but come with a highly attractive collateral-free nature.


While borrowing cheap car loans the borrower is suggested the following:

The dealer should be approached only after the loan approval

The borrower should find out the market price of the car, especially in case of used cars so that a high price is not charged

he should try and negotiate the price of the car with the dealer

The loan deal should be scrutinized carefully for any hidden costs like processing fee, APR etc.

The key to obtaining cheap rates for car loans is research. Online research can help the borrower greatly in finding out the rates offered by various lenders. An application made online gets the quotes of various lenders. These quotes can be compared this way and cheap rates can be obtained.

Cheap car loans are also available to borrowers with bad credit score, CCJs, arrears or defaults in their credit history. Although they will have to work hard for getting competitive rates, it is surely worth the effort.

Cheap car loans provide a way to the common man to buy a car for himself. He should manage with a proper foresight and future concern.

Kevin Clark is a financial analyst at Student Car Loans. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles. To find

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Cheap Car Loans: Your Key To Buying A Car At Cheap Rates

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