Cool Travel Ideas Make Your Next Vacation Special

Cool Travel Ideas Make Your Next Vacation Special


Carol A Miller

Cool Travel Ideas – Make Your Next Vacation Special


If your vacations are all starting to look alike – same beach house rental or trip to Disney World – consider the world of unusual travel. If youre like most people, you probably know that there are such things as Dude Ranches, but did you know that you can take trips to explore underground caves? Not into caving, you say? How about a gourmet tour? Spend your vacation traveling to the great restaurants of the world with other people who love food. Still not interested, you say? How about – riding across the desert on a camel; finding little-know magical spots in Europe while cruising the canals on a barge; learning to speak French while touring Normandy? Did I hit on one for you yet? If not, try – sailing on a yacht up coastal New England fishing villages from Connecticut to Maine; chase storms with experienced storm-chasers; go panning for gold out west; tour the vineyards of Tuscany; take a cruise down the Amazon River into the rainforest. Not up for these, you say? Maybe youd just like a change of accommodations. How about a castle stay in Scotland? A wilderness lodge in Alaska? Camping on the banks of the Colorado River? Did you know – you can still ride the Orient Express from Paris to Venice to Istanbul? Take a covered wagon trip across the prairie? Crew a sailboat? Learn to scuba on the Great Barrier Reef? What about a theater trip to London, where you see at least one show a day, and meet with the cast and directors to discuss the production. You can learn to drive a dogsled across the frozen expanses of Alaska, learn to rope cattle at cowboy school, go on an archeological dig, or improve your photography while visiting places of breathtaking natural beauty. Still not for you? Maybe you would want to consider an antiquing trip, a spiritual getaway, a hot air balloon adventure. You can take a reindeer safari, a birdwatching trip, a tour of ghost towns, visit the great museums of Europe, learn to paint in Italy or France, go windsurfing in Greece or the Caribbean Islands. If you have an interest, there is almost certainly a tour built around it, most likely many. In addition to special interests like those listed here, there are singles cruises, spa vacations, gay/lesbian trips, meditation tours, pilgrimages, and much more. Dont have anyone to go with? An adventure tour is ideal for you. Youll always have companions and a guide to smooth the way. Meet other people with similar interests, and come home with new lifelong friends. The truth is, you can often have a better time traveling solo with a tour – its a fine opportunity to learn more about yourself. If youre in the mood for a trip of a lifetime, break away from the commonplace and think about what would make a perfect vacation for you. Maybe all you really want is to lay on the beach and drink tropical concoctions, but if you feel like something more, look over this list, listen to your heart, and do something incredible. You wont regret it.

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