How To Control Hair Loss

Nowadays, hair loss is a common syndrome among men and women. So, the common question is how to control hair loss? Most of us believe that application of expensive products advertised on TV can help prevent hair loss. But, it is far from reality.Mentioned below are some advices to control hair loss:1. To begin, you need to determine the element which is causing hair loss. Thereafter, address the problem with a requisite solution to it.2. Application of chemicals should be avoided, including the ones claiming warranties of hair loss formulation. There is no dearth of synthetically formulated products for control hair loss. Besides, products for streaking, colouring, permanent serums, straightening and rebounding should also be avoided. These formulations are harsh on hair to pull and mess hair, and weakening them from roots.3. Nutrition plays a vital role to ensure healthy hair. A well-balanced diet is a foremost to control hair loss problem. To ascertain healthy hair, a diet should also include white sesame seeds, yoghurt, buttermilk, whole grains, milk and lots of green leafy vegetables.4. Stress is also identified among factors that lead to hair loss. Besides hair loss, stress is one of the prominent reasons for premature greying of hair. There are several ways to relieve of stress. A simple and relaxing massage can render dual benefits, ensuring healthy hair and preventing hair loss.5. Consumption of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine may contribute to hair loss. It is better to give up these habits.6. Physical activities or fitness regimen ensure better blood circulation. Exercising for little over 30 minutes every day will ascertain healthy and stronger hair. If you have medical condition wherein physical engagement is not possible, consult health care provider if you can practice easier forms of yoga or moderate fitness exercise.7. Hair loss may occur as a result of hormonal imbalance. Consult your health care provider and seek for advice to avoid future hair fall.8. Taking care of hair is very important as well Be careful of shampoos and conditioners that youve been using.9. Ayurvedic treatment is also an effective way for hair loss, which involves regulation of diet, medicated massaging and application of herbs. The treatment lays emphasis on establishing equilibrium in life, which also includes giving up alcohol, or smoking or drugs addiction.10. Ayurvedic herbs, such as horsetail, stinging nettle, rosemary and birch are considered excellent to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair re-growth.

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Cape Town, South Africa