Internet Marketing: The Wrongs

By Thomas Fairholm

As many smart and effective strategies that are utilized to successfully promote an online business, there are just as many, if not more, inadequate, even foolish, approaches that could spell doom for the venture. These wrongs can range from the merely uninformed or mis-informational to the outright disregard, either of which can lead to the commission of social and professional faux pas. Blunders such as these can serve as the seeds for any temporary and therefore correctable problems, or they can bring about the destruction of the business in question. When a vast network is established for a business, news can does circulate extremely fast throughout the professional community where it eventually filters into the many public forums where damage is especially critical.

Following are a few major donts of which new business owners should be wary in their day-to-day practices with both colleagues and the general public. They might seem like no-brainiers, but they are oh-so important enough to serve as reminders.

1) Never play favorites.


Different from target networking, which serves as a means for isolating those for which ones particular business is designed, Playing favorites is downright discriminatory in nature. This is especially true when it comes to interacting with potential clients or customers. For example, when a male entrepreneur pays more attention to a buxom blond with big blue eyes and a shapely form over a heaving old man with a wart-covered face who, by all rights, was first in line, such sourness and complaints are liable to cast the business owner in a negative light and even possibly lead to litigations, the second especially occurring in the case of a woman being ignored over a man in relation to a male-owned business. Behavior should be motivated through fairness and objectivity, as well as an overall general friendliness and the appreciation for patronage of a business venture by all who show an interest.

2) Never network according to narrowly devised business objectives.

When online marketing plans are put into play within a small demographic, the business cannot easily grow. Openness and flexibility should always be considered so that network circulation of business ideas and preferences are dispersed faster and more broadly throughout the various Internet communities where they will become known among a greater number of people. When it comes to networking, a happy medium is the more beneficial approach, especially for the new business owner who is trying to become established in her or his particular field.

3) Never cut down affiliate or competing businesses when advertising.

This looks petty, and it is underhanded. Although some politics are involved in marketing and promoting a business venture, mud-slinging is not necessary. Instead, the more appropriate and more effective advertising puts emphasis on the showcased business merchandise and key objectives. The business, if viable enough, can and should stand on its own and speak for itself without having look good through criticism of others. This will only lead to resentful opposition with an outfit that could eventually serve as yet another networking affiliate.

The business world is a virtual minefield, especially for the newcomer. This is why entrepreneurs just starting out would be well-advised to become informed on law and etiquette when developing business protocols and philosophy. Knowledge is power, and the power could save ones hide.

About the Author: Thomas Fairholm, To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

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