Sunday, April 6, 2008

Zanu-PF, the party of the incumbent Robert Mugabe has said that there should be a recount of the presidential election results to check for possible “errors and miscalculations.” Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), questioned the legality of these actions. They said that recounts are only legal after the original set of results are made available.

The MDC released premature election results last Sunday, which claimed a large victory for their presidential candidate Morgan Tsvangirai against Robert Mugabe.

MDC leaders said that the unofficial tally, based on one-third of the election returns, shows Tsvangirai with 67% of the vote. The ‘results’ were posted on the doors of polling stations, and then sent to party officials by text messaging. MDC Secretary General Tendai Biti said, “Barring a miracle, Mugabe can’t win.”