Seo Ranking Your Credibility}

Submitted by: Tingseo Team

Search engines have become an indispensable part of our lives today. Whether youre a student writing a paper on physics or a young mother learning tactics to teach your child, an executive looking for trends in marketing, or a fresher learning to get your resume right, a homemaker learning a new recipe or an artist try to make it big online- search engines are what define your credibility. And that happens simply based on where you rank on the search engine result page (SERP) when a user looks for information. Higher youre ranked, more clicks you get and hence, more success comes to you.

But how do you go about getting SEO right for your business? Lets assume youre mid-size firm based out of Mumbai. While youre getting an average revenue stream, you need your business to pick up to get your brand to the next level. This is when hiring an SEO agency in Mumbai is the smartest way forward. What the agency does for you is, get your brand to climb that ladder on the SERP. The search engines essentially scan every web page out there for information, create networks to see how multiple pages are connected with the same information- so as to present the best results for users when they ask for specific information. Hence, for your business to feature in the search, there are specific pointers that the SEO agencies in Mumbai will make sure you tick-off, for the search engines to spot and present your brand in the relevant SERP. Some of the major pointers are the words and titles used on a page, links between websites and quality of progressing content that the search engines can trace with growing links to the pages. The key is to have a niche in the core of your website, this should be supported by genuinely good content, with SEO words as their base.


Interestingly, a brands social media presence is tightly interwoven with its SEO standing. Your SEO ranking can be boosted by your social media presence through – higher number of genuine followers; link building by social shares and optimising your posts for searches- more the popularity of the your posts, the better. Also, increasing your brand recognition on social media not only is directly good for branding, but it also leads to more number of searches with the brand name directly- which in turn improves your ranking. So if youre a startup based out of Chennai, getting on board a social media agency Chennai is the smartest move to make. Know that for your social media presence to be widespread, content is the key. With constant changes in algorithms, search engines arent just technical anymore. They scan the kind and quality of content youre sharing with the audience, rather than just the technical key words youve used. Pick a professional agency, that can create content that is relevant and will have greater reach and resonance. Its a fine mix of technicality and great content- for that concoction of success.

About the Author: A marketing agency with a gang of digital strategists, creative writers and graphic designers, TING is always finding innovative ways to achieve your objectives for more information visit(



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