The Best Way To Get Him Back How To Gain Control And Have Your Ex Boyfriend Begging For Your Love

By H.L. Archer

When your boyfriend breaks up with you, it puts you in a panic and you want to know how to get him back. That is natural, but if you want him back fast you need to know the best way to get him back. You have to gain control and have your ex boyfriend begging for your love.

At the time he breaks up with you, your ex boyfriend has all of the control. He has been planning this for sometime and you are caught by surprise. This gives him a huge advantage. He can watch you cry and beg while he continues to reject you. But if you can manage a smile and tell him you agree, the control will change over to your side. If you can stay strong enough to add that you have been wanting a break for sometime, you will stun him out of his mind.

But, you cannot shed a single tear or it will ruin everything. Just smile, agree with the breakup and get him out the door. Once he is gone, you can throw yourself on the bed and kick, scream and cry as much as you please. When you have it all out, go take a good soaking bath. When you are finished, you will feel a lot better. You can’t sit around and feel sorry for yourself and you must be not play your ex boyfriend’s game.


Making him play your game will be the best way to get him back. He is sure you still love him and will try to get him back. He expects you to chase him, call, email and send text messages day and night. That will allow him to sit back with a smug grin on his face and watch you suffer. This is his game, but you have already started to disrupt it when you agreed with the breakup. Keep surprising him, by ignoring him and acting as is he does not exist.

Go out with your friends and have a good time. Be sure to look your best because you are going to stop by the places your ex hangs out and let him see you having fun. Ignore him, but flirt with other guys and then leave. He will be stunned again, but to put the finish on him, you need to disappear. Go on a vacation or visit relatives that live in another city. The main thing is to stay out of his sight for a while.

This will give your ex boyfriend a chance to experience his life without you and he will start to miss you. He will also be remembering the good times you had together and regret breaking up with you. Actually, the more he thinks about it, the more he will feel like he was the one that was dumped. Your ex boyfriend will be experiencing rejection for the first time and he won’t like it.

The best way to get your ex back is to have the strength to make him play your game. You do that by gaining the control and keeping it. When you can do that, it will not be long before you will have your ex boyfriend begging for your love.

About the Author: Next, you need to know other

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to have your ex boyfriend begging for your love. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this

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