How Can Social Media Management Help Sem?

How Can Social Media Management Help SEM?



If you look at the bigger picture you ll see that there s a whole world out there just waiting to be tapped into through social media, no matter what your product or service may be. Take Twitter for example; this totally free social media platform is used by millions of people every day, and is often favoured by those who are part of a community and who want to have their say.

Through this site you find followers rather than friends, most of whom will have a common interest with you or just like what you Tweet about. This is different from a site like Facebook, which is more likely to be used for when people want to chat to their real life friends, and is therefore a much more difficult platform on which to build a brand identity which is what social media marketing is all about.


By using a site such as Twitter to build your brand identity or personality, you will find it easier, as this is essentially what this platform has been used for already. All in all, you want to create a buzz here. This means getting people Tweeting about your URL and linking back to your site. This in turn will generate more followers and more clicks to your website. To create a buzz you really need to get people talking, so you ll need to do your research by targeting certain online communities relating to your product or service and get involved with what they re talking about. This will make you part of a community yourself, which can earn you vital clicks and increased traffic sometimes just as much as you would get through pay per click advertising.

This isn t all it can do though. Google has become very clever these days, and can detect when a buzz about a brand is happening online and through social media. Once it detects this genuine reaction, your website will automatically be ranked higher on search engine results pages therefore improving your SEM.

All in all, along with

pay per click

advertising and other SEM techniques, social media management has become an essential part of internet marketing and building a brand, that shouldn t be overlooked. It s all about having a strong social media presence so that Google recognises it on its own. By being aware of your main objectives to create a personality/identity, get involved with hot topics and generally be active online then this in time should grow organically.

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