Botox Gone Bad What Can Go Wrong?

Submitted by: Abigail Aaronson

Botox can create an enhanced appearance. Every potential patient should know the risks of complications.

Botox is a miraculous substance with an array of uses. Its medical name is Botulinum Toxin. It has been successful in treating muscle spasms, migraine headaches, jaw pain associated with TMJ as well as relaxing wrinkles into a smoother appearance. Crow s feet, furrowed brows and laugh lines can all be erased with a few injections. But like all medical procedures and products, patients need to be aware of the risk of complications before they decide to take the plunge.

Here are some of the risks:

– Breathing problems: Muscles in regions that are associated with breathing may be adversely affected after injection of this substance. Patients who have specific problems with breathing before using this product may be especially at risk. This may occur days or weeks after injections since the effects build up over time.

– Irregular results: It is possible for one side of a patient s face to react different than the other side, resulting in an asymmetrical appearance.

– Swallowing trouble: Some individuals may develop difficulty swallowing food and liquids that may result in the necessitation of tubal feeding. This complication could last for several months. In the most severe instances, foods and liquids may inadvertently travel into lungs.

– Speaking difficulty: There are chances of paralysis around the mouth region which could cause difficulty with speech.


– Toxicity: Botox is derived from toxins found in food poisoning known as botulism. In appropriate amounts, this is safe, but in overdose or in the case of toxins spread throughout the body, problems could occur. Examples of toxic reactions of botulism include:

– uncontrollable bladde

– dysarthria, which is slurred speech and unclear word formation

– dysphonia, losing one s voice or changing to a hoarse tone

– muscles weakening and losing strength through the entire body

– blurry vision

– eyelids that appear droopy

– experiencing double vision

– Death: Although it is extremely rare, as with many medical procedures or drugs, death could occur due to its usage.

In order for a patient to have the best chances for a successful outcome, they should tell their doctor if they have had any medical problems or concerns including:

– Allergic reaction to Botox products

– Any previous challenges with breathing such as asthma, emphysema, pneumonia or croup.

– Any facial surgeries or plans to have facial surgery

– Any trouble swallowing in the past

– Any weak muscles in the forehead, eyebrow region.

– Are pregnant or nursing an infant.

Botox is generally a safe product when used under the trained eye of a cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist. If a person is interested in having a procedure using Botulinum Toxin, including the clearing of adult acne, alleviating of muscle contractions, migraine headache or spasm/tic relief, smoothing out of facial wrinkles or curtailing excessive underarm sweating, they should make an appointment with a board certified physician who specializes in this treatment. A board certified professional will have the expertise required for a successful result.

About the Author: It’s important to properly research any medical procedure, including Botox in San Antonio. To learn more, visit


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