Category: Cleaning Services

Cleaning Services

Do Domestic Violence Victims Needs Legal Representation?

Do Domestic Violence Victims Needs Legal Representation?

Submitted by: Kimberly Diego

As a Denver Domestic Violence Attorney, I frequently get asked whether a victim in a pending domestic violence case actually needs a criminal defense attorney. This question is often asked of me in situations where the victim becomes frustrated with the so-called victim’s advocate, or where the victim does not wish to see the prosecution against the defendant move forward.

The truth is that victim’s advocates are not on your side unless you are on the prosecution’s side. They work for the prosecutor’s office. They are not your attorneys nor can they provide you with legal advice. Their job is to seek your position on plea bargains, sentences imposed, and modifications of the restraining order – and to remain in contact with you in such a way as to facilitate the prosecution. They may tell you they are there to help you, but that may only be true if you are in a sense “on their side”. If you are seeking, for example, to reconcile with the defendant, and therefore wish to have the restraining order vacated and the charges dropped, they are unlikely to assist you in achieving those goals and you may have to figure out how to modify the restraining order on your own.


If you want legal advice that is truly in your best interests, there is no substitute for hiring your own attorney. This is particularly true if your Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination is implicated. If you believe that by testifying you may incriminate yourself, because you either lied at an early point in the process or because your testimony will expose that you yourself engaged in some criminal activity at the time the incident occurred, then it is imperative that you speak with a domestic violence lawyer about your rights. If your Fifth Amendment rights are implicated, and you actually do plead the 5th at trial, you may nonetheless be forced to testify if the prosecution grants you immunity. Keep in mind that an attorney cannot assert that you wish to raise your fifth amendment privilege against self-incrimination if in fact there are no valid grounds for you to do so.

You may also want to know what will happen to you if you do not show up for a jury trial in a pending domestic violence case. Many victims choose not to appear at trial, because they do not wish to see the prosecution proceed. There are limited occasions in which the prosecution may still be able to proceed without the victim’s presence, however, they are in the minority of cases. Also, if you have not been personally served with a subpoena, you are not legally required to appear. Even a subpoena by mail is not binding if you have not mailed it in, and you are not obligated to send it in; by sending it in you are actually waiving personal service.

Unfortunately, Colorado law does not provide for victims to “drop charges” against defendants in pending domestic violence matters. Hiring a lawyer of your own as a victim will not ensure that charges get dropped; but it may make it harder for the prosecution to make their case against the defendant, particularly if the prosecution is in municipal court and not county or district court.

If you are in doubt as to whether you need to retain a domestic violence attorney, you can always take advantage of the free consultations the majority of criminal attorneys provide to all potential clients.

About the Author: Kimberly Diego – Domestic Violence Attorney –


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Centralised Vacuum System}

Centralised Vacuum System}

Centralised Vacuum System


Rakesh Lal

Centralised vacuum system are extensively used in many types of industries like manufacturing, processing, engineering, food processing, pharma, fertilizer, agro processing and automobile industries.

They are mainly used for two purpose:

Dust control

Material Handling

In dust control application, the dust material is absorbed and collected by centralized vacuum system dust control is important and needed in a facility due to


Health issues for worker

Safety issues for people, assets & facilities

Product degradation or loss

Sanitation & infestation control

Equipment life expectancy

Retention of valuable product

In the Material handling application, the material is continuously collected and moved to the collection zone. The system can move bulk materials in the event of spillage, equipment cleanout, etc.

A central vacuum system consists of vacuum unit, custom designed network & tubing’s; hose, fitting & elbows, coupling & snap caps; suction end tools / accessories and control panel.

The Vacuum unit contains airpower unit, centrally located filter mechanism and collection Hopper (container). With high vacuum suction to the end of a hose and nozzle for various cleaning tasks, it enables floor cleaning and wall cleaning and cleaning of ducts/equipment too.

The reasons that are generally considered for choosing centralized vacuum systems are safety, housekeeping, efficiency and insect/ pest control, convenience and employee relations.

A safe way to handle dust in toxic and hazardous workplace is by vacuuming. Also housekeeping in process industries and engineering which are generally dust prone by vacuuming frequently helps better maintenance.

Manual cleaning in industrial environment is laborious and expensive, Moreover, the vacuuming helps absorb dust from cracks, crevices, beams and other areas unlike manual cleaning. The vacuum system collects the material into a central & convenient location which can later by safely disposed off.

In food processing, pharma, and agricultural industries needs for hygiene and clean environment is high. The central vacuum system can clean even tight corners on the shopfloor to collect inspects, trash, moist grain and other potential risky stuffs.

The suitable vacuum points enables smooth cleaning, easy operations and flexibility. Finally, a clean and appealing environment is appreciated and makes the workplace healthier.

The centralized vacuum cleaners could be used is various facilities such as shopping malls, laboratories, engineering workshop, automobile service centres and catering industries.


Launched by Mr. Rakesh Lal (Founder of Classic Maintenance Services Pvt. Ltd.), is one of the largest online sellers for home/commercial cleaning products. The store aims at promoting Green cleaning’ by offering a complete range of eco-friendly products that would clean your premises and surfaces without any chemical effect. With utmost integrity, the company strives to provide excellent service at competitive pricing. Mission of is to be an important resource for the users when they need housekeeping products.

Quality, reliability and continuous improvement of products and services are the main focused areas of the company that will always remain its growth factor


Launched by Mr. Rakesh Lal (Founder of Classic Maintenance Services Pvt. Ltd.), is one of the largest online sellers for home/commercial cleaning products. The store aims at promoting Green cleaning’ by offering a complete range of eco-friendly products that would clean your premises and surfaces without any chemical effect. With utmost integrity, the company strives to provide excellent service at competitive pricing. Mission of is to be an important resource for the users when they need housekeeping products.Quality, reliability and continuous improvement of products and services are the main focused areas of the company that will always remain its growth

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