Category: Lunch


The Healing Power Of Borage Oil’s Gla

The Healing Power Of Borage Oil’s Gla

By Darrell Miller

Borage is otherwise called the starflower, and the borage oil extracted from its seeds is very rich in GLA, gamma linolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid also obtainable from evening primrose oil. Borage, however, is richer in GLA, and is therefore a more economical source that the evening primrose.

A shrub, frequently seen in gardens, borage has historically been used as a salad food, and also in soups, and borage honey is prized in many quarters. Now, however, its main use is for the GLA extracted from the seed, which provides a higher yield of GLA than any other source. Borage seed oil contains up to 25% GLA, compared to the 17% from blackcurrant oil and 9% from evening primrose oil.

The importance of GLA to the body’s biochemistry is inestimable, and cannot be overstated. It is not so much the GLA that is so important, but the prostaglandin to which it is converted in the body. Prostaglandin E1 is a hormone-like substance that plays a part in many of the biochemical and metabolic processes of the body. Examples include the control of the immune system and inflammatory response, some kidney functions, and the tone of the arterial muscles, so important in the health of the cardiovascular system.

A good fatty acid metabolism benefits some very important aspects of our health such as maintaining a good blood pressure, low cholesterol levels, preventing inflammatory and immune system conditions such as arthritis, allergies and some skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, and also improving the strength of the keratin-dependent tissues such as our nails and hair.

A deficiency in essential fatty acids also seems to stimulate the overproduction of a hormone in women called prolactin that can lead to the severe mood changes commonly referred to as pre-menstrual syndrome, or PMS. GLA appears to have a beneficial effect in the treatment of PMS, and some other conditions such as breast discomfort.


Gamma linolenic acid is created in the body from linoleic acid, of which there is a plentiful supply in margarine, vegetable oils and many processed foods, but there is a problem. Fatty acid molecules come in different isomeric forms, in which although the chemical is the same, the geometry or ‘stereochemistry’ is different. The healthy form is the ‘cis’ formation, and the other is the ‘trans’ stereoisomer. The trans fatty acids are formed by hydrogenation of oils to make them semi-solid, and more suitable for spreading. This hydrogenation process causes an irreversible change in the geometry of the fatty acid that can block the conversion of linoleic acid to GLA in the body.

Hence, although most of the western population has more than sufficient linoleic acid in their diets, many who eat an excess of trans fats have a deficiency of GLA. Some B vitamin deficiencies and a deficiency in certain minerals exacerbate this situation, and a gamma linolenic acid supplement is needed. Additional to this, the enzyme responsible for the conversion, delta-6-desaturase (D6D) can be affected by many modern environmental factors such as smoking, stress, alcohol, excessive animal fat consumption and even excessive linoleic acid consumption. The solution to all of this is GLA which does not require any enzymes for its creation, and supplemental GLA from any source can immediately take part in the biochemical pathway to the creation of the prostaglandin eicosanoids.

GLA provides the means and the resultant prostaglandins carry out the job of regulating the hormonal activity within human biochemistry. Prostaglandins help to regulate the function of many of the cells in the body, such as the smooth muscle cells of the arteries and veins that cause constriction or dilation, and on the stickiness of blood platelets causing their aggregation. They are important in the regulation of such functions as blood clotting, fluid balance and the production and balance of hormones. The anti-inflammatory properties of prostaglandin E1 are very important to the way that the body reacts to breaches by foreign invaders, and it is also thought to act to thin the blood and cause dilation of blood vessels, hence its effect in lowering the blood pressure.

So what does this mean to you, apart from the effects of the fatty acid on PMS? Borage oil can be used to treat a large number of different symptoms associated with a shortage of GLA and prostaglandin E1, and here are a few of the conditions for which a GLA supplement has been found beneficial.

A deficiency in GLA and other essential fatty acids can lead to loss of bone mass and subsequent osteoporosis and it is thought that fatty acids help the absorption of calcium by the digestive system, and to increase its deposit in bones. It can be used to increase bone mass and density and therefore strengthen the bones of those affected by osteoporosis. This is partially due to the hormone regulatory effect GLA has on the body.

Allergies appear to be very personal responses by the immune system to specific substances, and while borage oil has proved beneficial in a few allergies, and prostaglandins are known to regulate the activity of the immune response, the effectiveness of GLA treatment for allergies has been mixed. There is evidence that it can affect some cases, but not most.

GLA from borage oil can reduce the swelling and pain of rheumatoid arthritis, and helps to ease morning stiffness. Its effectiveness seems mixed, and you should try it for two or three months to determine if it helps you personally. Be careful, however, since some believe that it might react with some of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) used to treat this condition. Ibuprofen is one, so check with your physician before trying it.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, borage oil used in conjunction with Omega-3 fish oils might lower it, though more research is needed. There is a belief that the GLA is not the active agent here since Omega-3 oils are known to help to reduce hypertension, though the effect of prostaglandins on the factors that can reduce blood pressure is inarguable.

The healing power of borage oil should not be underestimated, and it has been used for centuries in folk medicine to treat many conditions, especially those that science has found to be caused by the immune system and the inflammatory response. Borage oil can be found at any Health Food Store.

About the Author: Looking for a Borage Oil GLA supplement for PMS or Headaches? Look no further, VitaNet, LLC Health Food Store carries high potency GLA and other great supplements.


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Why Nurse Recruiters Serve An Important Role In The Medical Community

Why Nurse Recruiters Serve An Important Role In The Medical Community

By Karen P Williams

Lets face it, nursing is in VERY high demand these days, and although there are many nurse recruiters out there who are actively trying to get the best nurses to the hospitals who are in need of them, something should be taken into consideration: the importance of them specifically in the medical community.

The recruiters dont just recruit for money, for the most part. Most will tell you that he or she has a passion for staffing hospitals and medical centers. Since there is and has traditionally been such a high-demand for nurses, this means a lot of personal fulfillment; not just for those who recruit, but for those who are hired as well as those who do the hiring: not to mention, the patients they all serve, ultimately.


One of the biggest challenges that recruiters face has to do with the fact that there are an over-abundance of nurses who are and will become available; this is a highly competitive business, the world of nursing. There are ways to entice individuals to certain hospitals, and have been traditionally used to do so. Many nurses who are already in positions will, at times, see what other hospitals have to offer. Nursing itself is a very demanding job, with sometimes the worst hours, long shifts, and other such worries.

The recruiters know how demanding this job is, however. It is their job to make it sound as enticing as is possible. One of the angles used to entice nurses to open positions, is to find out what the nurse likes about his or her current job. Once the dislikes are found out, a recruiter can work from there, as well as improving the good points, hopefully. Nurses ultimately know what will or will not work for them, however.

One thing that nurse recruiters should never do, is promise a nursing candidate something that is not deliverable. How disappointing it can be for a nurse to obtain another position, only to find that he or she will not get something promised, never mind that other things might have been blown up, way out of proportion! This is a good reason why many nurses are hesitant to even work with a recruiter in the first place, although typically hospitals do not want to work with individuals; the recruiters usually perform a screening on each one, which is highly desired by hospitals for insurance purposes.

If you are a nurse, please bear in mind that there are many recruiters out there who are dedicated toward getting you the nursing job of your dreams, if you are currently disgruntled with the job you have. While thinking about going through a recruiter, dont be afraid to ask what his or her history is and verify the information you are given. If you are a recruiter, remember that nurses are your clients just as much as the hospital is. Treat them both with respect and dignity, and your commissions will be not only forthcoming, but in abundance as well.

About the Author: If you’re looking for information about

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