Category: Medical Products

Medical Products

Benefits Of Thc And Medical Psilocybin

Benefits Of Thc And Medical Psilocybin

The Therapeutic Benefits of THC

Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the chemical responsible for most of the psychological effects of marijuana. It acts much like the cannabinoid chemicals naturally produced by the body. THC stimulates cells in the brain to release dopamine, creating euphoria. But does THC have any medical benefits? The short answer is yes, THC does have several potential medical benefits, particularly in the relief of pain and inflammation.

Research suggests that THC may help patients with various conditions such as chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, and HIV/AIDS. Chronic pain is thought to affect more people than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined, and THC can provide pain relief in these instances. For those who suffer from multiple sclerosis, THC can help to reduce muscle spasms. In the case of HIV/AIDS, THC can help to improve appetite and decrease nausea, thereby helping patients to maintain their nutrition.

In addition to these benefits, THC can also help in the treatment of mental disorders like PTSD. This is due to the endocannabinoid compounds in our bodies, which are involved in regulating mood, which THC can enhance. Moreover, some evidence suggests that THC could be useful in treating the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, by slowing the buildup of plaques that kill brain cells and cause Alzheimer’s.

Although more research is needed to better understand the full range of medical applications of THC, it’s essential to understand that different people react differently to this substance. Therefore, while some may find relief and benefits from its use, others may experience side effects.

Besides THC, the emergence of medical psilocybin also deserves attention. Psilocybin is the psychoactive compound found in certain kinds of mushrooms, commonly known as “magic mushrooms”. Several recent studies suggest that ‘medical psilocybin’ could be an effective treatment for depression, particularly in cases where other treatments have failed.

Interestingly, like THC, psilocybin acts on the serotonin receptors in the brain. It promotes new connections between brain cells, similar to the “neurogenesis” seen with other antidepressants. This has led to growing interest in medical psilocybin and its potential benefits.

Both THC and psilocybin are complex substances that can affect individuals in different ways. As with any medical treatment, potential users should consult their healthcare provider to fully understand the benefits and risks. More research is needed, but it’s clear that both THC and medical psilocybin offer potential opportunities for new, effective treatments for a variety of conditions.

What Is Good Health, Part 1

What Is Good Health, Part 1

Changing views of healthSince the mid-1900s, medical practice has been dominated by a biomedical model that focuses more on curing than preventing illness, dividing diseases into categories — for example, targetting a “cirrhotic liver” or “ischemic heart” for treatment. This method tends to separate physical from psychological or emotional problems, which are sometimes dismissed as “all in the head,” not meriting medical attention. However, views of health are undergoing radical changes. The absence-of-disease concept is being supplanted by an image of “wellbeing for body, spirit and mind.” The emerging biopsychosocial model regards mind and body as an intertwined unit and suggests that people be treated as whole persons, taking into account economic, social and psychological factors.In 1948, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as a “state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, encompassing the ability to achieve full potential, deal with crises and meet environmental challenges.” In other words, health — or wellness, to use a trendy term — is the capacity to undertake physical effort, to live within one’s own potential and carry out tasks with vigour and alertness, leaving enough energy for unforeseen emergencies. The more recent Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion goes further, suggesting as fundamentals for health: “peace, shelter, education, food, income, a stable ecosystem, sustainable resources, social justice and equity.” For example, people can’t easily stay healthy if they’re starving, if the air is polluted or during wartime.Today’s key buzz words are “disease prevention” and “health promotion”, rather than trying to “treat the symptoms of illnesses” (as is practiced by most madical practitioners nowadays) that are largely preventable. Unfortunately, despite lip service, prevention is often a hard sell as it takes both personal and community action. Yet studies show that even a few words of advice from health professionals can often help to prevent disease by motivating people to modify their lifestyle.Many of us are the “worried well”Although North Americans have an increasing life expectancy, many worry unduly about health. As U.S. physician Dr. Arthur Barsky writes in his book Worried Sick: “Our sense of physical wellbeing has not kept pace with improvements in our collective health status…there is a pervasive atmosphere of dis-ease.” Many feel constantly “out of sorts” — with vague undiagnosable ailments — worriedly scrutinizing everyday actions for their health effects. For example, foods may be dubbed “good” (life-prolonging) or “bad” (health-harming) — instead of being regarded as enjoyable nourishment. Many are confused, even stressed, by trying to keep up with the latest medical pronouncements — eat margarine instead of butter (or not); drink red wine (one glass or two?); take antioxidants, vitamin E (or don’t); shun coffee, drink decaff (or what?).The main determinants of good healthBiology — the genetic make-up (genes inherited from mother and father).Lifestyle habits — such as a nutritious low-fat diet; enough exercise; sufficient, sound sleep; avoiding misuse of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs; motor-vehicle and traffic safety; healthy (safer) sexual practices; and stress-reduction.Emotional balance — good self-esteem, feeling “in control” and able to forge intimate relationships.Economic and social wellbeing — sufficient income for food and shelter; supportive networks (family, friends, colleagues).A health-promoting environment — e.g., not excessively polluted, clean air and water, adequate sewage disposal.Access to adequate medical care when needed.Measuring healthSince the WHO definition of health came out, many have tried to measure its components, which isn’t easy. By definition, people in “good health” have no diagnosable diseases, no significant symptoms of “dis-ease” (unwellness), feel “in control” of their lives, are energetic, satisfied with their social, sexual, occupational and personal existence. But even those with diagnosable diseases such as colitis or diabetes, may also feel well most of the time. Or older people with osteoporosis or atherosclerosis may consider themselves “in excellent health for their age.”Take as a further example a man who inherited a polycystic kidney disease that destroyed both kidneys by midlife. Even though he requires thrice-weekly dialysis (after two failed kidney transplants), he nonetheless enjoys a “healthy existence” in which he swims three times a week, walks to work and leads an active professional life. Similarly, a bank employee considers herself “healthy” even though she lost one breast to cancer 15 years ago, and suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome (pinched wrist nerve), for which she wears a splint at night. In contrast, we all know people with no physical disorders who complain about every little ache or transient pain.Just being fit isn’t enough!In search of good health and longevity, many North Americans devote endless time and effort to fitness. They conscientiously jog, do aerobics, spend time on exercise bicycles, restrict cholesterol intake, avoid aluminum cookware and get medical checkups. Beyond its health benefits, some even view fitness as a way to ennoble the soul, sometimes neglecting family and friends in the effort. Fitness may become an end in itself rather than a way to enhance personal and professional life. Yet the Ottawa Charter specifically states that “health is a means rather than an end in itself — not the object of living.”As one University of Toronto expert puts it, “just being fit isn’t it!” Although physical fitness — muscular strength and flexibility — is a prerequisite for wellbeing, fitness alone does not guarantee good health. Being physically fit when mentally unbalanced, “stressed out,” socially isolated or emotionally disturbed does not add up to good health. Obsessive fitness addicts may consider the slightest tinge of unwellness a slur on their character, making them feel guilty. Yet this kind of “blame the victim” mentality is unhealthy. It is absurd to expect that all illness can be avoided simply by one’s own efforts. See a related article by Loring Windblad, “What is good health, Part 2” for an overview of Loring’s health and what he specifically does to maintain that good health.

Cbd Hemp The Main Advantages Of Cannabis Oil

Cbd Hemp The Main Advantages Of Cannabis Oil

pain killer

Cannabis oil is often offered to people suffering from chronic pain, inflammation and occasional pain relief. This is why people who have been diagnosed with cancer turn to products related to cannabis, including cannabis oil, when they need relief from the pain of chemotherapy or the disease itself.

Treatment of epileptic seizures

The effects of cannabis oil, especially cannabinoids such as THC, help control seizures by connecting brain cells responsible for regulation of relaxation and body control, so cannabis oil helps to ease the intensity and frequency of seizures.

Against Alzheimer’s disease

Using cannabis oil may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. THC, the active chemical in cannabis oil, slows the formation of amyloid plaque by blocking the enzyme in their brain. Amyloid emissions can kill a brain cell and ultimately cause Alzheimer’s disease.

Relief from anxiety and stress

One of the most common uses of cannabis oil is to relieve anxiety and tension. The natural compounds found in cannabis oil are effective for releasing the brain, releasing the pleasure hormone, reducing the stress that gives the person a sense of relaxation.

Inflammatory bowel disease

Studies show that one of the properties of cannabis oil is the ability to help patients with inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. The chemicals THC and CBD interact with the cells of the body, which plays an important role in the body’s immune responses to the intestines. THC helps the body produce enzymes that in turn help reduce intestinal permeability, which prevents bacteria from entering the cannabinoids. Cannabinoids can block germs and actually protect the intestines from bacteria that cause inflammation.

Sleep Improvement

If you suffer from constant anxiety at night, or suffer from insomnia or struggle towards a restful, uninterrupted sleep, then cannabis oil may be the solution for you. Cannabis oil works by relaxing the brain and body, and is able to lower energy levels, lower our heart rate and clean our minds to allow a long and calm sleep.

Improves heart health

Cannabis oil can help improve heart health by balancing the negative oils in the blood system. In addition, the oil can stimulate antioxidant processes and for example maximize the health of the cardiovascular system and regulate the excess cholesterol in the blood.

Vomiting and multiple sclerosis pain

One of the health benefits of cannabis oil includes the relief of pain symptoms from multiple sclerosis. The THC in cannabis oil binds to receptors in nerves and muscles to relieve pain. There are also studies that suggest that THC helps in controlling muscle spasms.


It is a well-known fact that those who consumed cannabis in any form are aware of increased appetite. However, using cannabis oil can help you regulate your appetite and encourage hunger. At the same time, it can stimulate the digestive system in order to operate at a normal level.

Relief of Arthritis

The health benefits of cannabis oil in relation to rheumatoid arthritis include promoting sleep, reducing inflammation, and relieving pain. These effects of cannabis oil can help ease the pain and discomfort of arthritis sufferers.

Reducing glaucoma

For eye health, cannabis oil has been associated with decreased glaucoma and the prevention of molecular degeneration. Eye health is one of the main reasons why people turn to cannabis oil. Cannabis oil has been documented in many studies as lowering the glaucoma symptom because of the active substances that break down the accumulated substances in our eye, creating the green color in the eyes of those with glaucoma.

Cure for PTSD

The cannabinoids, similar to THC, contribute to the health benefits of cannabis oil. Cannabinoids help regulate the system that causes anxiety and fear in the brain and body. This specific use of cannabis oil was discovered after extensive research by many armies, such as the Israel Defense Forces, to provide a cure for sufferers of PTSD or its full name Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Protects the brain after stroke

Studies show that cannabis oil can help protect the brain from the damage caused by stroke. This is done by reducing the size of the area damaged by the stroke. There is a study that showed neuro-efficient effects of cannabis that protects the brain in the case of other traumatic events, such as concussion. This protection is a product of the properties of the active substances in cannabis oil, which create protection or encourage / aim the protection of the body on the brain.

Fighting cancer

Early studies have shown that the active ingredients in cannabis oil can reduce the size of the tumor and affect cancer, which means that the oil eases the presence of cancer for those suffering from the disease or in other words reduces the tumor and sometimes causes it to disappear.Cannabis oil has several virtues against cancer, such as the ability of the active ingredient CBD to prevent cancerous cells and other blood vessels in our bodies in order to receive nutrition and continue to grow and harm our bodies. The amount of research information in this field is enormous because of the many successes that cannabis has gained in this field.

Guide To Occupational Health And Safety Management For Enterprises

Guide To Occupational Health And Safety Management For Enterprises

Losing employees and their productivity due to sickness, accidental injuries, or even mental disturbances can cause significant problems in the production of business. Occupational injuries or health damages cost a lot to the business, which needs to provide compensations to the affected employees in the form of medical assistance or health insurance claims. It is important to have a prominent health and safety management system that will foster a responsive approach to find and avert workplace hazards or illnesses. An occupational health and safety (OHS) management system ensures the proper collaboration between the employees and the organisation’s management team to identify and assess the risk factors. This collaboration helps to dispense the risks or dissolve any probable risks before they occur.

The establishment of strong and inclusive OHS management is a priority for a business if it wants to safeguard its employees and enhance their wellbeing. This article further explains the OHS management process.

Training the Employees

The first step to protecting your employees from accidental risks or illnesses is training. The more they are aware of possible health and safety hazards, the better they can prevent any harm to themselves. Thus, training and awareness programs are needed to let the employees know what things can happen in their workplace and what they can do to fight against those odds. With the help of specialised occupational health and safety consultants, formulate your training program and coordinate it with the employees. You need to provide repetitive and involved training sessions with practical situations/examples to help employees clearly understand their role in ensuring their safety. Medical Support at Workplace

This is highly necessary to prevent any negligence towards employees when a mishap occurs, physical injuries are encountered, or any health problem is observed. A medical assistance team must be present or close to the workplace where any injured employees can easily receive treatment. Apart from immediate medical support, the medical team should also work to collaborate with the business to conduct regular medical examinations or health screenings of the employees. This is also called general medical surveillance, and it is needed to prevent any occupational illnesses.

Accessing Workplace

Periodic inspections and evaluations of the workplace is necessary to find the potential risks or the hazards that are prevalent. Management needs to classify the hazards as recurring or new ones, and they should identify the trends of the risks, injuries, or sicknesses of the employees, collecting information to investigate their root causes. Proper assessment of workplace hazards and health risks will lead to the introduction of effective hazard prevention programs.Effective Hazard Prevention Plan

A proper hazard control plan with a hierarchy of controls need to be established so that every health hazard encountered or suspected is systematically averted. The most effective hierarchy of controls that will help to prevent workplace hazards is as follows- elimination (physically removing the hazard), substitution (replacing the hazard), engineering controls (isolating employees from the hazard), administrative controls (changing the work structure or process), and PPE (providing employees with personal protective equipment).

Promoting a coherent and responsive health and safety management system is an important need of every organisation to ensure the protection of its employees. Besides preventing loss of productivity to the businesses, it will also lead to workplace morale improvement, increase in turnover (due to fewer sick leaves), savings (due to fewer claims of medical insurance), and a better reputation in the business (due to the safe work environment).

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