Category: Podcast


A Review Of Make Your Knowledge Sell

A Review Of Make Your Knowledge Sell

By Brian Garvin

Whether you are looking for a way to supplement your income, or you are looking for a way to break onto the scene with the important new information that you have, you’ll find that there is plenty of good information out there, and that you have to learn to package it appropriately.

More and more, people are discovering that they need to package their information into an eBook, and with that in mind, you need to make sure that you are taking advantage of the information that is presented clearly and directly in Make Your Knowledge Sell. With this information, you’ll learn everything about ebooks, and you’ll find that this might be the best way for you to market your information.

The first thing that you need to keep in mind is that this information is letting you start from scratch. You’ll find that you can learn all about how to make sure that your thoughts make it on to the page. As any writer can tell you, this is harder than it looks, but it is also easier than you might believe!


You’ll find that Make Your Knowledge Sell can help you organize your thoughts and put them in a way that is going to make sure that your information is all there and ready for your readers. Not only will your ebook’s package look great, you’ll find that it will also ensure that your content is readable and accessible.

You’ll also find that you will be given information on how to publish your ebook. There are plenty of different publishing options out there, and you may have heard of one or two, but here you’ll find out about all of the choices you need to make, and you’ll discover which one will be the best for your situation. There is a great deal of good information out there, no matter what you are thinking of when it comes to content, and there is a good way to sell it, too! Take the time to learn a little bit about your market and to make sure that this ebook can be your guide.

Finally, you’ll find a way to make sure that this information that you have pulled out of your brain will sell online. You’ll discover that this is an important part of it. You won’t be selling anything if you don’t make an effort, no matter how good the information is. You’ll also find that there are a number of different options online for you to take advantage of. You’ll be able to get your book out there to the best and most receptive audience, which is extremely important for online publishers.

There are plenty of reasons to take a look at Make Your Knowledge Sell, but one of the best ones is that you already have the resources to make it work. You already know a lot about something, and chances are, there are people out there who are curious about what you have to offer, so don’t miss out on a fun and profitable chance to tell them!

About the Author: Let

Site Sell

Review Kings Brian Garvin and Jeff West teach you more about

Make Your Knowledge Sell

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Free Articles  Tips On Writing It Well

Free Articles Tips On Writing It Well

By Moe Tamani

If you have a website for your business, you may have been considering article marketing to drive visitors to that site. It can be a great way to generate interest in your business and enhance your reputation as an expert in your field.

Article marketing is the process of writing an article about a subject related to your business. The article includes a reference to your business. While you dont get paid for what you write, publishers will publish it, allowing you to get free advertising for your business. These days, article marketing is growing in popularity, especially on the internet.

There are many websites available that publish free articles, pictures and other content. Visitors to those sites may use the articles on their own websites, thereby assuring fresh content on a regular basis. By using free article or free web content sites, you may find youre published all over the globe.

While the various free article and free web content sites have their own guidelines, these involve formatting, decency rules and other matters. Quite often the guidelines dont include how to write well. An article will not do your business any good if it is not well written.

Dont be afraid: Were not talking about writing in Shakespearean couplets. But if your eyes have ever glazed over while reading an article, you know how poor writing can drive readers away.


Here are some simple rules to follow:

1. Be sure you know something about the topic. You dont have to be worlds greatest expert but you have to know something about a subject to write about it. So do your research and make sure you have your facts straight.

2. When you sit down to write your article, think about the main point you are trying to convey. That will be your lead paragraph. For example: Many people about tooth whitening products. Here are the products available, their approximate costs and the pros and cons of each one.

3. When you write your lead paragraph, try to answer these basic questions: Who? What Where? When? Why? How? This will give the reader a clear idea of what your article will talk about.

4. Try to arrange the information in your article with the most important information at the top and the least important at the bottom. Newspaper reporters call this the inverted pyramid style. It allows publications to shorten articles for space considerations by merely taking off the bottom paragraphs. This way, only the least important information is deleted. (Of course, the information about your article will remain intact as it will be contained in a text box or italicized paragraph.)

5. Try to write as you talk. While grammar is important, it is better to sound natural. If in doubt, read a sentence out loud: If it sounds stilted to you, it will sound stilted to others too. Also, avoid jargon and buzzwords. Does anyone really know what a paradigm is, for example?

6. Dont worry too much about length. Your article is done when you feel that you have included all the information your readers will want. If you feel your article is too long, you can leave out some information but mention that, for more detailed information about tooth veneers, visit my website (see information at the bottom.) This, of course, is the whole point of your article.

7. When youve written your article, be sure to proofread it yourself. You may discover you left out something or you didnt write something correctly. Also be sure to use a spell checker. In addition, make sure someone else reads the article before you submit it. Never rely on just your own eyes. If youve spent a lot of time on your article, it is easy for your eyes to skim over a glaring error. It is better to have a spouse, a friend or a colleague read your article and point out your mistakes than to have them spread out over the internet.

By following these easy tips, you will be well on your way to publishing a really great article, one that can lead to more visits to your website and more sales for your business.

About the Author: Moe Tamani is a

SEO Marketing

expert and

Internet Marketing Strategies



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