Category: Software And Web Development

Software And Web Development

Using Beautifully Design Business Cards To Promote Business

Using Beautifully Design Business Cards To Promote Business

Submitted by: Johnray Daniels

Advertising and promotions are two different ideas. Advertising basically concentrates on showcasing the products or services being offered whereas promotions focuses more on building the brand of the business. Promotions highlight your business to customers and generated new sales and increases sales. It tells the market that you are open for business in the most creative and affordable way. This is why promotion is ideal for business owners who are on a shoestring budget.

The biggest question now is which promotional tool to use. There are actually plenty of low cost tools you can use these days. It s always best to start with business card printing. The business cards are simple tools that will let you differentiate yourself and your business from your competitions. They will let you reach out to your target customers in the most attractive and compelling manner.

If you are looking for an innovative promotional strategy, then what you need is the business cards. Despite being old school, these cards can be innovated in order to come up with attractive designs. In the recent years, new printing techniques are available that will help you create the best business cards. You can virtually use any color, font, card stock, and texture that will ensure to produce the best card that has the best look and feel. If you want your business or your message to stand out, you need to make sure that your cards are beautifully designed.


With this approach in mind, it would be easy for you to promote your new product line or your business to your target customers. You have a huge range of design choices to choose from. Even if you simply want to introduce yourself to your customers, the wide design choices will let you create cards that best reflect your business image.

In designing your cards, it is important to remember the different design elements. You can t just throw in any design you want and assume that people will respond to it positively. As much as possible you create a design that reflects your business and the message that you want to convey to your customers.

Careful planning is the key to an effective business card design. You need to plan ahead in order to come up with the right design that will appeal to your customers. If there is a certain feeling that you want to convey with your cards, you need to carefully pick the right elements to incorporate in your business card templates in order to evoke the right feeling. If you are not too familiar with business card design, you can always hire a graphic designer and hire the right printing company to ensure you get the best cards for your business. They will help all throughout the process and make sure you have the best cards.

It doesn t actually take a lot to create your business cards. If you know your goal and what you want to achieve with your cards, it would easy for you to create the design that will let you achieve that goal. Business cards are cost effective to generate market exposure, sales, and repeat customers. With the right budget and design, you can easily accomplish your goals and get endless sales opportunities.

About the Author: For more information and inquiries about the article feel free to visit:



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Responsive Web Design Via Waterfall Model Approach

Responsive Web Design Via Waterfall Model Approach

Responsive Web Design via Waterfall Model Approach


Priya Mathur

Responsive web design (RWD) is a creative approach of crafting the websites in such a manner that provides an optimum viewing experience and which can applied on any device such as computer, laptop, tablets or smart phones.. That is what today many website design companies in India are doing for so many clients that s making their websites responsive.

The reason for making websites responsive

The conventional usage of desktop computers being replaced by modern day smart phones, tables and other upcoming smart devices which are internet enabled.

An increased usage of web surfing via tablets and smart phones.

Modern day application usage and purchasing trends over non conventional devices.

It s because of all these facts, today everybody has come to realize the importance of responsive web designs. An effective

Web Design Company India

definitely tries to cater such a flexible website which can be useful in industries like web development companies, research firms, manufacturing corporations, bank services or even an individual who wants to check on a particular when he is in mobility from home to office.


Responsive Web Design by Water flow Model

This article is particularly based on the usage of Water flow Model where an effective responsive web design can be formulated and implemented by methodologies such as .

Strategic formulation

Design & Development



There are many website design companies in India who are following this approach to build an effective and flexible web design.



The designing of wireframes and its built up is planned where to maintain the flexibility and responsive property, you need to design different widgets for different views which would be able to make the entire wireframe representing screen sizes with the presence of layouts in fluid state.

This would be able to make the entire wireframe in a flexible mode. Every web design company India would first make a concrete strategy to make the plan successful.


After the successful strategic planning, here comes the phase of designing as per waterfall model. All the website design companies in India follow the same routine of design wherein, designing of wireframes is done by the use of different fonts, colors, space and other designing tools.

Along with this to maintain the responsive properties aligned and intact the use of fluid layouts is done along with the different widgets. This would now make the entire platform compatible with different screens.


After the design, comes the phase of development where an effective coding has to be done in accordance with the different widgets as they are smallest units of a webpage that would ultimately ensure flexibility, thus making it responsive in nature. A lot many website design companies in India are focusing specifically on the development part.


After the development phase comes the testing zone where the testing of entire system on multiple platforms is done time and again till the time all the loopholes are covered.


This is the final step of waterfall approach wherein the deployment of the system is done on the live market.

My name is Priya, I always used to write for fun, but it was after meeting my friend, Rajdeep, CEO at Cybermount Solutions I got motivated to illustrate my thoughts on technical upfront as well He uplifted my cognition in the forte of Web Designing, Internet Marketing, etc that helped me a lot to pen down my understanding Since then we have been working together on technical writing and creative web articles. Visit:-

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Top Russian Online Dating Websites

Top Russian Online Dating Websites

By Mike Belch

There are host of western men seeking to marry Russian woman. They believe in their beauty, smartness and commitment. There are various methods to find Russian women, but the most popular these days are the Russian online dating.

There are various sites that are offering great services and almost perfect match for you. However, as we say ever every good thing is bundled with few bad things; same goes in case of Russian online dating sites. There are few good sites that will let you find girl of your dream and there are various sites that have fake profiles and females to mint money out of you. Hence, it becomes important that you have to be careful about choosing a right service for yourself.

There are various agencies that offer initial service free of cost and later on ask for money for further services, they are not good enough. It’s not wrong to pay for the services you use, what’s wrong is the hidden cost or misleading. You are looking for something that will help you to build your life further so a little research will not matter.


Here are few recommendation, but don’t believe them with closed eyes as it the matter of your lifelong commitment. Go and do a few researches yourself.

One of the sites I came across was a site that sells address of the interested Russian singles and can be availed after getting its membership. It is a site that is updated weekly and new profiles are added every week. It has been in the market since 1997. There are few plus about it that makes this site worth trying. The most important feature of this site is that it offers women’s original letter’s copies to make sure that they are real. It has an extended search provision that helps you to find a perfect match for yourself based on your criteria. Here, it has provision wherein Russian woman can directly contact you once you acquire its personal listing. The only problem with this website is its hazy design that doesn’t leave mark. Its navigation tools are not up to the mark. You can avail its membership according to the level you want. It has standard, super, deluxe and VIP kind of membership all at different rates.

Another dating site I came across is a website that offers profiles of various beautiful Russian singles through the method of subscription. It has been in the market since 1995. It consists of four directors and what a chance all these directors are married to Russian woman. It has a big database of Russian woman willing to marry western men. It has various services like translation, email forwarding, gift delivery, interpreter and assisted conference calling. It is a website that is popular for providing good assistance in organizing personal tours to Russia. It will help you in ticketing, visa and accommodation. It also organizes few romantic tours that are safe and worth. It is very quick in its responses and very cost effective as well.

Of course the choice f the right dating service is not that easy in the web, because there are hundreds of online dating websites which offer numerous matchmaking services. And the last choice is up to you!

About the Author: The world of online dating is full of various opportunities for single men who are seeking beautiful

Russian women



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Need For Professional Web Designing Company

Need For Professional Web Designing Company

Submitted by: Ema Sis

Web design and development are the processes involved in making a website visible. Web designing is an art of planning and designing of websites and development relates to its functionality. Basic factor behind all online businesses is website visibility. Web designing helps to boost traffic to sites. Professional web designing companies can provide excellent service in web designing. They provide professional look to websites, add functional aspects, and also perform search engine optimization which makes our website even more visible.

Professional people can anticipate all aspects required for businessexpansion, before designing a website. These professional look make websites more noticeable among their competitors. Website should be pleasing to everyone. At the time of site designing they embed certain elements which facilitate search engine optimization and thus increase the site s visibility. Professionals use advanced technologies for giving professional look to websites and they keep themselves updated with innovative changes in IT fields. In addition to development and uploading they offer their service in website maintenance. Professional companies offer their services in eCommerce, software development, search engine optimization, internet marketing and so on.

Things to be remember while designing websites.


Website should be lighter and pleasing to others.

Avoid such colors which make exhaust to eyes while looking for a long period.

If the website contains more than one pages, ensure that proper navigation is facilitated.

Websites provides first impression to customers especially in online businesses. Professional designing can create a unique identity of websites among others. Web designing firms provide specialized people in each aspect such as graphic designer, software professionals, search engine optimization specialists etc for providing incomparable services in web designing. They can add interactive elements which can increase traffic to sites such as polls, reviews etc. They make use of latest tools and techniques like adobe illustrator, photoshop, macromedia and database tools such as Zend framework, MySQL, CMS builder etc for designing purposes. Also various programming languages are also used depending on type of website.

How to hire a professional company?

Nowadays web designing companies are common, and finding the best one which satisfies all our needs ensure success in business. Internet is the best medium for this. Comparison will also help to select good company. Go through portfolio of company and search for their previous experience and achievements. Refer to former clients of company and ask about their services. Ensure that there are enough professionals who can complete our project. The company should be reliable and ensure that they provide complete contact details for later use. Make clear communication with company so that clients are free to alter their requirements according to emerging trends. Cost is also a factor, check whether the company will provide quality work in affordable price. Also ensures selected company will provide quality work in affordable budget.

In the present scenario web designing and development companies are inevitable for achieving business goals. They provide unique and innovative solutions in business.

Advantage of professionally trained people is before designing a website they observe all aspects which is unavoidable for business development. These professional look make websites more noticeable among their competitors. Providing a fresh and pleasing look to websites is another thing. At the time of site designing they embed certain elements which facilitate search engine optimization and thus increase the site s visibility. Professionals are updated with innovations in IT field; they make use of advanced technologies which can offer standard and professional look to websites. In addition to development and uploading they offer their service in website maintenance. Web development companies provide different services like eCommerce, software development, search engine optimization, internet marketing etc.

About the Author: Reed and Associates website design company provides quality services for customers, find more about web development company from our website :


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Our Top Ten Team Meeting Ice Breakers

Our Top Ten Team Meeting Ice Breakers

By Amy Linley

Getting people comfortable in a group setting before a team meeting can be the best investment of ten to 15 minutes of time that you can make. Ice breakers get creative juices flowing, can increase the exchange of ideas, establish team identity, and create a sense of community. All of these items are important in forging top productive teams. But how do you get people to participate and not feel uncomfortable with an ice breaker?

For meetings in a business setting in which participants are professionals, ice breakers that require actions not normally associated with day-to-day behaviors in the office generally make people uncomfortable. Successful ice breakers for these type of groups generally consist of having attendees share memorable information with each other, create innovative ways to get people to introduce themselves to each other, or have group members collectively work on a problem where everyone has to contribute.

We’ve selected our top ten team meeting ice breakers that are sure to get your meeting participants relaxed and ready to focus on your agenda as well as to connect with others in the group.

1. Brainstorm!: Break the meeting into teams of four or five. Give each team a topic. Pick topics that are fun and simple like, “What would you take on a trip to the desert?” or “List things that are purple”. Give your teams two minutes, no more, and tell them “This is a contest and the team with the most items on their list wins.” Encourage the teams to write down as many things as they can and not to discuss anything, just list things as quickly as possible. At the end of two minutes, the team with the most items on their list wins! This helps people to share ideas without fearing what other people will think.


2. Same or Different: Divide the meeting into teams of three or four and give each team a large sheet of paper and then give each person a different colored marker. Have each person draw a large oval such that each oval overlaps with the other ovals in the center of the piece of paper. Give the group or groups, a theme that pertains to your meeting objectives. Ask the participants to write down at least five or more entries in the non-overlapping and mutually overlapping areas of their ovals. Give them five minutes, no more than that, to talk about their similarities and differences and write them in their own ovals on the paper. If there is more than one group, compare results and identify common themes in both parts of the diagrams and what light these similarities and differences shed on the purpose of the meeting. This helps team members develop an understanding of shared objectives and in a non-confrontational way learn how their views differ from others in the group.

3. Fact or Fiction: Have everyone write down three surprising things about themselves, two of which are true, and one of which is made up. Each person, in turn, reads their list and then the rest of the group votes on which “fact” they feel is the “false” one. If the group does not correctly pick a person’s made up “fact”, then that person wins. A group can have more than one winner. At the end, the whole group votes on which of the “winners” of the final round, had the most deceiving “fact”. This helps people get to know and remember their colleagues.

4. Free Association: The object of this ice breaker is to have small groups generate as many words or phrases as they can that are related to a particular topic that focuses on the objective of your meeting. Give the group or groups a key word you want them to associate with and then give them two minutes to list, as quickly as possible, as many words or thoughts that pop into their heads. For example, if your company is trying to decide on whether to reduce travel and increase the use of teleconferencing, you might use the word “teleconferencing” and have people list as many words or phrases they can that they associate with the key word. For example they might say: “saves money”, “saves time”, “impersonal”, “need to see other people”, “get distracted”, “sound quality”…. This reveals what people are thinking, similarities in viewpoints, and possibly even problem areas or topics that need addressing or further discussion.

5. Nametags: Prepare nametags for each person and put them in a box. As people walk into the room, each person picks a nametag (not their own). When everyone is present, participants are told to find the person whose nametag they drew and introduce and say a few interesting things about themselves. When everyone has their own nametag, each person in the group will introduce the person whose nametag they were initially given and mention something of interest about that person. This helps participants get to know and remember each other.

6. Desert Island: Group people in teams of five or six and tell them they will be marooned on a desert island. Give them 30 seconds to list all the things they think they should take and each person has to contribute at least three items. At the end of 30 seconds, tell the teams they can only take three things. Have the person who suggested each item on the list tell why they suggested it and defend why their item should be one of the chosen three. This helps the team learn about how each of them thinks, get to know each other’s values, and how they solve problems.

7. Commonality Plus: Group your meeting participants at tables. At each table ask the group to list ten ways that everyone in that group is similar. Let them know that they cannot list body parts or clothing and that what they select cannot have anything to do with work. One person at the table should be tasked to make their list. At the end of your time limit have the group share their list with all meeting members. This is a great opportunity for your meeting attendees to learn about each other’s hobbies, families, and common interests.

8. Line Up: As people enter your meeting hand each one a piece of paper with a different number written on it. Ask the group to arrange themselves in numeric order without using their voices, hands, or showing their number. This helps the team to think of other ways to communicate with each other and to work together to achieve a common goal.

9. Meet and Greet Shoe Pile: This works great in large groups and is a variation of the name tag ice breaker. Have everyone take off one of their shoes and throw it into a pile. Have each group member pick up a shoe and walk around the meeting room greeting other people as they try to match their selected shoe to the one another team member is wearing. This is a great way for new people to meet several members in a group.

10. First or Worst: Have each member tell the group their first or worst job in turn. This easy to use ice breaker works great with teleconferences too and allows team members to spark conversation with each other and to have some fun commenting on the jobs that they have each done. Many of our top ten ice breakers can be used for on-site meetings and teleconferences alike. The nature of ice breakers is to get the group to talk, to share, and to get to know each other in a casual exchange. The best and most successful teams start with a little bit of fun; learning how to value what each member brings into the group. Ice breakers can help facilitate this exchange of information and comfort in doing so at the very start of the team forging process.

About the Author: Amy Linley gives practical and usable advice regarding communication and meetings at AccuConference-

. Find out more about our conference call, web conferencing and video conferencing services from AccuConference –



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