Category: Workshop And Engineering Equipment

Workshop And Engineering Equipment

What Are Recycled Printer Cartridges

What Are Recycled Printer Cartridges

Submitted by: Ben Greenwood

The recycling industry tends to become very popular in a world that consumes resources like there s no tomorrow. Without sacrificing quality, the recycling industry tries to provide top-quality products at considerably lower prices, advantaging both the consumer and the surrounding environment.

A very controversial branch of the recycling industry is the recycling of ink and toner cartridges.


Recycled cartridges are cartridges that are built around the good parts of older cartridges. Here how a recycled cartridge is born:

– An old cartridge arrives at a recycling centre, where it is initially inspected;


– The cartridge is disassembled to pieces and each piece is inspected to determine whether it is still usable or not;

– The usable old components suffer a rigorous set of quality tests to ensure they are in an adequate condition to be used and the pieces that pass those tests are kept, while the components that do not meet the quality standards are replaced with new components;

– Once all the components are in a working condition, the ink cartridge is assembled, filled and sold.


The main advantage of a recycled cartridge is its price, which is usually 30 per cent lower than the price of a regular cartridge. The competitive prices of recycled cartridges also prevent manufacturers from monopolizing the markets. Another advantage of recycled cartridges is that they are more environmental-friendly than newly manufactured cartridges, as the demand for new components is significantly decreased and so is the amount of pollution needed to obtain these components.


A potential disadvantage may be the reliability of recycled ink or toner cartridges, given the fact that, after all they do use old components. However, taking into account that all components need to pass quality protection tests, this shouldn t be an issue. Besides this, there are no proven disadvantages to recycled ink cartridges, even though several manufacturers claim that they have reduced performances. To support their claims, manufacturers have pointed out that recyclers simply do not have the required technology to obtain the same level of quality as they do. In an attempt to fight cartridge recycling, some manufacturers even programmed their printers to only work with genuine cartridges fitted with a chip. This type of cartridges cannot be recycled or may not work correctly if they are, so make sure your printer works with recycled cartridges before making a purchase.


Given the entire controversy over the quality and reliability of recycled cartridges and also taking into account their reduced price, it s up to you to make the final decision. If you feel comfortable with buying recycled products that will get the job done for a lower price, go for it, but if you want to ensure you only have the best of the best, go with a new cartridge instead. Be sure to check your printing equipment s policy on using recycled products, though, as some manufacturers may refuse servicing a printer that was fitted with recycled cartridges or charge higher service rates.

As you can see, it s a two-way road. It s up to you to choose the right way for your needs.

About the Author: Ben Greenwood is writing on behalf of Cartridge World, the UK’s leading specialist in

printer cartridges

, including

toner cartridges


ink cartridges



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Game Testing Careers   How To Start A Great Career Testing Video Games}

Game Testing Careers How To Start A Great Career Testing Video Games}

Submitted by: Jonathon Halston

There are a number of ways that someone can start down the path of a game testing career. In fact, many people are already starting down that path, trying to learn what they can do to become a video game tester and then move on to even better careers in the industry. Here are four of the bigger career paths available to anyone who wants to start a game testing career in the video game industry and then take it to a higher level.


Programmers will need to have degrees in computer science or mathematics and a profound knowledge of languages like C++, Java and XNA. However, for many game dev testers, just working on games will give them many of these skills. A little extra college and some hard work in your job can quickly set you up for a position much higher in the hierarchy that will allow you to become a programmer in a few short years. Many programmers got their start as game testers, so if you are ambitious and driven to learn and succeed, and want to build and design games, not simply test them, then this is a career path to give serious consideration to.

Game Designer


Designers are the men and women behind the ideas that games are built on. They develop the systems, the story, and the basic art style before anyone starts creating the game. They will also consult on the game throughout its development cycle so that the programmers, artists, and writers can have a set point to refer back to. They will determine overall gameplay and strategy, character balance, plot development and the overall physics and rendering styles of the world within the game. For those who have ever dreamed of a great idea for a video game, this is the career path for you.

Game Artist

The artists will work to illustrate and animate the imagery from the game with their own specific style set. Those interested in becoming artists will need degrees in illustration and 3d animation from an accredited art school, but being a game dev tester can definitely help in getting started in the industry. There are many game artist programs available now online, and the career options for those acquiring these skill sets are extremely in demand and will only grow higher. If drawing is your thing, or you would like to combine a passion for art with a passion for games, consider becoming a game artist after starting your game testing career.

Game Producer

The producers are responsible for running the whole ship, telling men and women in every role how to get their jobs done. For a producer, the main skill that needs to be displayed is a knowledge of programming and organization – two things a tester has in spades.

For anyone interested in the gaming industry, the four careers above are things that you can very much be hopefully about getting involved with some day. While it might seem like a stretch that someone starting a game testing career as a video game tester can someday become a game producer, the truth is that there are always people out there who are working their way up the ladder – why not you too?

About the Author: Jonathon Halston has tested video games for over 11 years. He started out as a contract video game tester, and soon became a Software Design Engineer in Test at a World Class Software Company and you can too. For additional information on how to start a career

game testing

, visit



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