How To Choose The Correct Free E Bay Templates For Any Type Of Product

byAlma Abell

There are many different types of sales and types of products sold on eBay. Being able to choose the right free eBay templates for the type of item you are selling is always the best option. These specialized templates are designed to have the pre-set text boxes, options and features that are optimized for providing information to buyers.

ISBN or UPC Codes


If you are selling products that have any type of code, such as a ISBN code on a book or a UPC code on a video game, music, DVD or other type of media you need a specific template. You can also use the specialized free eBay templates for listing items with SKU codes, which typically means it is a new item.

This template type is listed with free eBay templates and can be found at the eBay Seller Center or you can download from other websites. Just make sure you are using a template that is designed for eBay and not another online site.

Basic Template

One of the most popular free eBay templates is the basic template. As the name implies this can be used for all basic items including new or used and in any sales format on eBay. These are ideal if you list a lot of different items in a lot of different categories and what to keep your listings uniform and identifiable.

You will not be able to set up access to detailed UPC, SKU or ISBN codes using this option, but for many items on the site this is not a concern. The eBay website itself also provides specialized free eBay templates for listing tickets as well as for selling on

Maximize Attention

If you are using free eBay templates from different sources other than eBay you should be careful to ensure that the item that you are selling is prominently displayed on the template listing page.

While it may be tempting to go for a flashy looking listing page if it is difficult to tell what you are selling and there is more glitz than information you may find that listing page itself is a distraction for customers. Instead look for free eBay templates that highlight your item and prominently focus the viewer’s attention on images and information about what you are selling.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa