How To Prepare For Ssc And Banking Interviews?

For those who want to work in the banking sector, the interview is the last and the most difficult hurdle. Candidates are evaluated on a range of parameters and impressing the interview panel requires a thorough preparation on the part of the individual.

In this guide, we bring some great tips and tricks you can follow to prepare well for Banking interviews. Apart from these tricks, you can joinbank coaching in Jaipur for interview preparation.

#Tip1: Brush Up Your Academic Learning

The interview board will consist of people from diverse backgrounds. And, your academic background will be a common area of interest for each member in the interview panel. You will all have some questions regarding your learning during your graduation.

This however doesn’t at all mean that you should bury your brain in every book that was part of your grad-course. Rather, you should brush up on the key takeaways and concepts. The question would in all probability revolve around key topics that are of interest and importance to even the common man.SSC coaching in Jaipur can help to brush up on your academic learning.

#Tip2: Work on Your Communication Skill

In an interview, communication skills remain a most sought after quality in potential candidates. The same is true for Banking interviews as well. Here are a few things that you can do to master good communication:

  • Introduce Yourself With Enthusiasm and A Smile

The first impression plays a major role in the way the interview panel perceives you as an ideal candidate for the profile. That’s why your introduction plays such a key role in setting the right tone for the remainder of the interview proceedings. If you introduce yourself well, you feel confident and the person on the other side of the table gets a positive impression of you.

  • Have a Positive Body Language

Good communication skill is not just about saying the right things, it is also about how you say the right thing. That’s why your body language needs to be positive throughout the interview duration. You should always appear accessible and maintain eye-contact every time you are answering the interview panel.

  • Pause, Think, and Then Speak

There will be some nerves when you sit before the interview panel. One sign of nervousness is that you might speak way faster than you normally do. So you should consciously pause or take a moment before you start your answers. This way you will avoid speaking the first thing that comes to your mind as well as you will be able to be brief yet very specific in your answers.

#Tip3: Stay Updated with Current and Static GK

Any interview panel will always be interested to know your opinion on day-to-day affairs or happenings in and around the world. Moreover, you should not be surprised if they ask your take on big Government measures and initiatives such as The Farmers Bill, The Revocation of Articles 370 and 35A, The 2020 US Elections, The WHO’s impact in curbing Coronavirus, etc. These are trending debates across all popular online and offline public forums these days and you should have a good understanding and insights on the things happening around you.

#Tip4: Prepare About Organisation and Banking Sector

In addition to academics and Current Affairs, you will have to answer questions related to the banking sector as well. So prepare well about important topics and events related to the Reserve Bank of India and the Banking Sector. Further, be well informed about key banking terms and personalities such as present Governor and Deputy Governors of RBI. Below we have listed a few topics that should be on top of your priority list:

  • Types of accounts in a bank
  • Types of Commercial Banks
  • History and Functions of RBI and Public Sector Banks.
  • Annual percentage rate (APR)
  • Debt to income ratio
  • Amortization and negative amortization
  • Loan grading
  • Line of credit
  • Types of loans
  • Non-performing assets.

#Tip5: Watch and Practice Mock Interview

Today there are tons of free resources online that give you detailed know-how of how a banking interview is conducted. You can find mock-interview videos on Youtube and watch them know exactly what you are supposed to wear, and how you are supposed to conduct yourself before the panel.

Additionally, many institutes offer special interview training courses for shortlisted candidates. You can join one of these courses and learn from professionals. These courses are very well structured, offer great exposure, and leave no stone unturned. You are nurtured and prepared extremely well so that you can crack the interview with little or no hurdle whatsoever.

#Tip6: Share Leadership and Teamwork Experience

Although it is not mandatory to carry your resume for the bank interview, it is always a good thing to do. First and foremost, it allows the panel a sneak peek into your academic credential and achievements. But another advantage is that it can help you to set the right direction for the interview. The panel may ask you questions related to the information shared in your resume.

And so it becomes essential that you share your leadership and teamwork experience in your resume. This will highlight your abilities to not only work with a team but also lead them whenever the opportunity is there to do so.

#Tip7: Build a Story

Nothing impresses like a good story, such as the first time an elderly person in your home had to use net banking and how you helped him/her with the process. With a good story to back your goals and aspirations for working in the banking sector, you are more likely to leave a lasting compression on the interview panel.

So when you are faced with questions such as “Why should we hire you ” or “Why government job and not a private job”, make sure that you compliment your answer with some real-life experience. It will add that extra layer of acceptability and trust to your answers.

#Tip8: Wear Formal Attire

Before we wrap this up, we would like to share the last but equally crucial factor for acing any bank interview i.e. your appearance. Make sure that you don’t appear sloppy. You should appear neat and clean. Stick to formal wear and keep your hairstyle polished.

This brings us to the end of this article. We hope that the information will be helpful to you. All the best, prepare well, and don’t forget to smile!

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