Reasons To Choose The Best Non Surgical Fat Removal Procedures In Chicago

byAlma Abell

Do you have areas of unwanted fatty deposits on your body that exercise just won’t remove? Many men and women find that, even with proper diet and exercise routines, they still have that tummy pooch or extra flab on the thighs. In the past, localized fats couldn’t be gotten rid of easily and required surgery to handle. For example, liposuction has been around for many years because it works, can be permanent and is safe. However, it is still surgery and can lead to unpleasant side effects, which brought doctors to consider the best non-surgical fat removal option in Chicago.

How It Works

UltraShape is unlike any other non-surgical treatment to remove fat. The machine used will emit acoustic and ultrasonic energy that will target subcutaneous fatty deposits in the skin. It is not like other traditional ultrasound options because it transmits as pulses, which can allow better control of temperatures and can allow the fats to be destroyed instantly, mechanically and selectively.



The best removal procedure in Chicago is one that is non-invasive. Most people don’t want to go into surgery for any reason, let alone a cosmetic one. Therefore, if you’ve steered clear of liposuction and other methods, you may still find hope. Many of the treatments are gentler and have little or no discomfort involved. You can usually go back to work or run errands without a lot of downtime, either.


While it does take a little longer to see results from these procedures, you’ll love the transformation when it does occur. No process is instantaneous, at least when removing fatty deposits, so it may not matter that UltraShape doesn’t provide instant results, either.

However, it is also important to understand that these procedures aren’t meant for weight loss. If you need to lose weight for medical reasons, you should follow a carefully planned diet and exercise routine to lose the unwanted weight. Afterward, you can consider UltraShape treatments to spot-reduce. You should also know that results can be permanent or very long-lasting, as long as you continue with a healthy diet and exercise routine.


There is no extended healing time required when considering UltraShape and other options though you may notice some swelling and soreness, which is normal. However, you should listen to your doctor’s recommendations at all times. He or she may request that you take a few days off work or wait to return to normal activities.

The best non-surgical fat removal option in Chicago is UltraShape. Visit The Michael Horn Center for Cosmetic Surgery to learn more.The Michael Horn Center for Cosmetic Surgery

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