Safe And Effective Holistic Treatment For Cts In Austin Tx

byAlma Abell

In general terms, chiropractic medicine is thought to be a health care plan reserved for people with chronic back and neck pain. Chiropractic medicine is indeed meant to ameliorate mechanical impairment of any part of the musculoskeletal system. CTS in Austin TX is an area of chiropractic care that focuses on the large nerve that conjoins with the wrist and hand. The carpal tunnel nerve starts in the upper part of the forearm and extends down to the wrist. This median nerve supplies the palm of the hand with feeling and the ability to move. Many who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome are subjected to repetitive stress of the hands and wrist. The hands may be in constant use that puts stress on the median nerve.


There are a number of ways to treat CTS in Austin TX. Since most cases are a result of repetitive stress syndrome from an occupation, a treatment plan that allows patients to resume their activities is preferred. People experiencing this should know that best results are achieved when it’s treated as early as possible. Carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed with x-rays and a physical exam. Manual manipulation of the wrist, hand and elbow calms the nerve and improves maneuverability. When symptoms are at its worst, a cold compress and wrist splints provide immediate relief. Pain from a misaligned spine can actually vent all the way down the arm and aggravate the carpal tunnel nerve too. Some machinery designed to allay chiropractic conditions can be used if needed.

Chronic back pain can be among the most debilitating conditions to have. Spinal decompression is a non-surgical procedure that corrects issues with the discs in the back. Patients with herniated discs, degenerative disc maladies and facet syndrome find this treatment very effective. Individuals with back pain who would like to be less dependent on medication should try spinal decompression therapy. Drugs for pain relief temporarily mask the symptoms and spinal decompression targets it at the source. This type of therapy releases the spine from a compressed state. The stretch of the spine is not proportionately spaced and this procedure gradually pulls the vertebrae back into even spacing. Pressure is released from the nerve root and disc. The strain on the nerve root is the source of pain. When weight is lifted off that nerve, pain will cease. Visit or their Facebook page for more information about chiropractic medicine.

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