The Biggest Problems Faced By Hr Recruiters And How Can You Fix It?

Recruitment is the most crucial undertaking for any business house. After all the success of recruitment would satisfy the manpower needs of an organization without which the businesses cannot sustain. Now, recruitment isn’t a need for one time. It is continuous and constantly evolving need of every business. It is the task of every HR recruiter to analyse the manpower needs and to undertake essential activities to attract potential candidate.

Now, the task of HR recruiter isn’t a simplified one. Especially, in the market of recent times which are driven by candidates, it is not easy to hone the responsibility of HR recruiter . Every day is a challenge for these recruiters whose sole purpose is to attract, recruit and retain candidates with an appropriate fit.

There are numerous challenges faced by HR recruiters on everyday basis. But let me hereby guide you though solutions for each of such problems.

  1. Problem- Candidates with inadequate skills

Solution – We can all agree to the fact that today’s market is skill driven. Now every organization has specific skill requirements from candidates applying for the vacant position in their organization. It is the challenge for HR recruiter to find the candidates acing those skills in an exemplary manner. There are 3 ways to solve this common problem.

  • Incorporate various skill assessment tests throughout the interview process to determine the candidate’s suitability. There are numerous online skill assessment tests that could offer speedy and accurate results.
  • Arrange for training within an organization to impart essential skills. Offer requisite training within an organization so that employees could upscale themselves and at times can even apply to vacant positions.
  • Make an appropriate use of data and research to identify the places where you could find candidate appropriate to demand.
  1. Problem- Difficulty in capturing candidate’s attention

Unlike the situation of yesteryear when candidates had to make efforts in grabbing companies attention, the scenario is quite different today. Every one is in need of talented candidates and everyone is going to extreme length to grab candidate’s attention. Now, in such circumstances it is quite the task for HR recruiters to capture and attract candidate’s attention.


  • HR recruiters should focus on building strong brand/company image. Strong brand presence in itself is enough to grab attention of potential candidates.
  • More than ever there is a need for creatives to publish and advertise the job roles in an effective manner. Your job posting needs to be unique, helpful and insightful.
  • Adopt individualised approach while approaching a candidate.
  • Make use of appropriate technology in your recruitment process.
  1. Problem- There are too many alternatives for candidates

In this candidate driven market, organizations no longer possess the superlative hold in job market. The problem for HR recruiter is that candidates have way too many alternatives. Large proportion of candidates agree to the fact that they are actively pursuing multiple opportunities.


  • HR recruiters should ensure that the candidate achieves satisfactory interview experience. They need to work on removing glitches in recruitment process for seamless candidate experience.
  • Create a competitive advantage by equipping yourself with knowledge of exact market scenario.
  • Creation of policies and facilities with competitive edge to attract the candidate.
  • By being in constant touch with candidates even after an interview as a part of follow up.
  1. Insufficient knowledge about the positions they are hiring

While this may not be the case if the HR recruiter works for specific niche, at times HR recruiter may not have complete knowledge about the position they are hiring.


  • Get a full hand detailed understanding of job role form clients so that you could offer answers to questions of candidates.
  • Don’t bluff for your negligence. Instead take help from colleagues who may have specialized knowledge in specific fields.

Whoever considered the field of HR to be relaxing and uninspiring never truly knew the struggles and problems encountered by HR professionals in everyday life.

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