The Dangers Of Stress And How To Reduce It

By Cole Carson

It’s no secret that we live in a world where it’s easy to become bogged down by stress. Our responsibilities keep stacking up on top of us, and it feels like if we make a single, tiny misstep it’s all going to come crashing down on top of us. Unfortunately, not only does this stress interfere with our happiness, it also takes a toll on our bodies – if left unchecked, stress can cause damage to almost every major part of the body, most notably our hearts and immune system, as well as causing depression. So how do we fight stress?

Stress is actually the releasing of certain hormones into the bloodstream by the brain. It’s a natural act, designed to help our bodies work over-time to escape a dangerous situation. Our hearts beat faster and harder, our hearing increases, our lungs take in more oxygen – nearly every major system in the body is taxed to help us escape from harm. Although this is natural, prolonged stress is not, and can be extremely damaging to the body.


A good way to protect yourself is to make sure that you get the occasional break, but the key to avoiding the dangers of stress comes from your ability to mentally leave behind a stressful situation once you no longer have control of it. Most of us face small situations of stress everyday, whether it be a traffic jam, a crying baby, or having to put up with an irritating history professor. These situations are unavoidable, and the only way to protect yourself is to not let them get to you. You need to take mental control of the situation. Remind yourself that this is only a minor problem, and that it isn’t serious. Think of other similar situations that actually ended up as a funny story. The bottom line is that the first step to preventing stress damage is to remain calm and relatively unaffected by the small quirks in life that we just don’t have any control of.

Obviously, all of our problems aren’t small matters. We also have larger, more significant issues to deal with, and these can be much more difficult to escape. It could be that you have to work two jobs to pay the bills, or you are worried about your health or the health of a loved one, or perhaps you can’t seem to find the right job for you. These are things that cannot be ignored. The way to handle them is to first make sure that you have done everything you can to take care of your situation. Once you have done that, you have to realize that there is nothing else for you to do, and any time spent lingering on it will only be destructive. It can be difficult, but it is something you must take control of. If you don’t, not only will you be more miserable, but you won’t be able to deal with the problem as effectively. Walk away from them – put them out of your mind, and focus on other, happier things.

Lastly, one great way to get rid of stress in your life is to keep yourself occupied with things that you enjoy. It can be difficult to shove aside your problems if you’re bored, but if you’re having fun, it isn’t that difficult now, is it? Identify the little things that bring pleasure into your life. Maybe it’s fishing, or building model cars, or playing sports, and helping your kids with their schoolwork. Whatever it is, try to schedule in more of it. Don’t forget to keep it simple as well – you don’t want to stress yourself out trying to plan for a time that will help you release your stress!

There is no way to escape stress, but fortunately, we don’t have to. Stress itself is natural, but living in stress is not, and it isn’t something anyone has to do. If left unchecked, stress will wear away at you physically and make you ill equipped to handle your responsibilities, so slow down, take a fresh view of the world, and unwind.

About the Author: Cole Carson is a successful entrepreneur and internet marketer.

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