Ways To Create Your Own Lawn With Lawn Grass Seed

Submitted by: Mike Day

Establishing a new lawn is not as difficult as people might think, in fact it is reasonably easy with the right equipment and a bit of knowledge to help you.

There are two general types of lawn grass seed, the first type is what they call a warm season type of grass these are the Bermuda type grasses and the zoyzia type grasses, these types of grass can hold up extremely well in the hot humid heat of the south. While if you live in the north you should be looking for cool season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass or perennial ryegrass and fine fescue, these types of grass grow and thrive much better in cooler conditions. If you really think you need expert advice before choosing which type of grass you need, you can visit www.ntep.org they do all the research on different types of grass and how they grow in different areas. At www.ntep.org you will get free information on what the best type of grass would be for your area, or another option could be for you to go to your local garden centre and ask them for some advice on which type grass seed would be best to use in your situation.


Planting your new lawn is pretty easy really you just need to know a few things you have to do to get started, first you should pick either spring or fall to plant your seeds for your new lawn, these are the best times to help germination of your grass seeds. Then you need to mark the area where your lawn will be, now turn over the soil and rake it to remove any rocks or big lumps. Make sure the raked soil is around 3″ to 4″ deep this is all you need to plant your lawn seeds, then you need to spread the seeds in a uniformed way to make sure your grass grows evenly, using a seed spreader or splitter is the best way of achieving this.

You now need to rake in the new seed around 1/4″ deep this is a good depth for grass seeds to germinate, you need to make sure the seed is in good contact with soil by a light rolling to compact the soil but do not over do it, once the seed is planted you need to start your watering regime. You should lightly water your lawn grass seeds twice a day until the grass has come up through the soil, once the grass is up you should water every two to three days, grass grows much faster when it is kept moist on a regular basis. You should also consider buying a starter fertilizer for your lawn this will help the seeds to germinate and grow quicker than normal. Make sure you do not cut your grass until it has reached at least 3″ to 4″ high, this gives the root system chance to get established to take the pressure of cutting.

Now you can sit back and enjoy a long lasting fantastic looking lawn, with the knowledge that you created it from the lawn grass seeds you planted.

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to visit a great site for information on creating your own garden lawn with lawn grass seed.



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